August 20, 2017

I found the forum during my dealings with Eric of EWK Arms. Great guy, and as you all know, high quality products. I have two Model 15s, both Monsons - one I inherited from my dad. It's a 15-2V6, serial range 86600. I bought a Monson 15-2V8 serial range 176300 and scoped the shroud with a Buehler mount, later buying a VH6 barrel for it and a zebrawood grip. In the late 70s and early 80s, a partner and I had an FFL and we sold a bunch of DWs.
A little back story. In 1978, I rode my motorcycle around the US and stopped in Monson one Saturday morning. The factory was closed, so I stood there pondering my next move, and with all my gear strapped on the back, looking like a two-wheeled version of the Beverly Hillbillies. Well, up drove a blue Ford stake bed truck with a gray-haired man driving. It was Dan himself. He had come in to pick up the mail. He invited me in and gave me the 50¢ tour of the factory. We talked about the .357s and their appeal. He handed me a prototype .44 frame for my wide-eyed approval, and he had an S&W 44 cylinder as a pencil holder on his desk. At that time, he was hoping that sales of the .44 would fund a Gen2 .357, but sadly, that never came to pass.
He also had a Sig P210 in his desk drawer, so he was no stranger to semis. A survivalist, he had storage tanks of gasoline on his property "just in case". I still have the copy of Robert DePugh's (Minuteman) book "Blueprint For Victory" that he mailed to my home address. No autograph, darn it! Tragically, he died just two months after I met him, but I was richer for the experience. An absolutely wonderful, personable man. A shame how the company bounced around after his passing, but it is great that CZ has taken up the banner.

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

Dans Club
January 17, 2015


January 24, 2009

August 20, 2017

Thanks to all! Three times in my life, I have managed to be in the right place at the right time. A chance meeting with Detonics president Sid Woodcock at the Seattle Police Athletic Association range and firing Detonics prototype #4 was the first. Meeting Dan Wesson was next and meeting Bill Jordan at the NRA show in Seattle topped it all off. Three highlights to an otherwise humdrum firearms career. But, pretty fair highlights. Will post up some pics of my Dans as soon as I can take some good ones.
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