November 26, 2021

I'm here under false pretenses since I don't own a Dan Wesson, but I hope to correct that in the near future. I've been buying, selling, trading and shooting guns for over 50 years and I hope to add some knowledge of DW firearms from reading some of the in-house experts.
No false premises since you have fully disclosed. National Enquiror motto is "Inquiring minds want to know". Research before buying is a plus. I saw my first Dan Wesson Pistol pack at a local Gunshop. It was priced at 1300,unfired. I went home, researched it on the forum and went back. It had sold already for $900. Those days are long gone but knowledge is good and you have come to the right place. You should know that Dan Wesson revolvers were designed to rarely need a gunsmith. Karl Lewis designed it and Dan Wesson manufactured them. Any shape grip you can imagine, change a shot out barrel in 2 minutes. User friendly with drop in parts. Most Revolvers made today use Dan Wesson technology. The steel is extraordinary.
They are the Thinking Man's Gun. Half a brain is needed to set the cylinder gap. That disqualifies most people from owning one.
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