January 22, 2021

Hello from Chicago. Been researching topics on this forum for a while and love that there are die hard fans and historians here. I've been bitten by the bug for a while now and just getting my Dillon reloader back up running so I can go out and blast some supermag rounds when it gets warm out. Used to be in plastics, tool, and die business so I have a deep appreciation for hunks of steel turned into into finely tuned machines and pieces of art. Add that to the story behind DW and they're just museum pieces.
Originally started with the Pointmans and now building up the collection on the wheel guns. Thank you all for hosting such an awesome website, and deep praise for all your contributions.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

Welcome to the forum from PA, glad to have you here!
You'll find lots of unique Dan's as you research, and you WILL want them!
I agree with you, I love the revolvers and see them as fine examples of the engineering arts.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

Dans Club
December 5, 2008



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Dan Wesson Ala Karl Lewis tech has been copied and adopted by virtually all premium DA Revolvers. Korth, Manurhin and S&W to name just a few. Barrel and shroud, interchangable front sights, transfer bar safety, dedent ball and more. If CZ buys Colt expect interchangable barrel Pythons. At least barrel and shroud but not promoted as interchangable.

Dans Club
January 17, 2015

January 22, 2021

Thanks folks. Appreciate the warm welcome. On good days, I’ll head out to Jasper/Pulaski in Indiana for their outdoor ranges - good for up to 225 yards.
You can’t find that stuff here in Illinois. Besides I really don’t like shooting at local Chicago ranges with a bunch of rookies who don’t understand basic safety, can’t shoot, and end up punching holes in the floor, ceiling and targets that aren’t theirs. I’ve even seen some almost blow their thumbs off by putting it right behind the slide.
On engineering, the design of the tensioned barrel is pure genius. Add in interchangeable barrels, other tech features plus having a big ass revolver in my hands makes me grin ear to ear!
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