December 21, 2010

Everyone thinks their's is the rarest/coolest, whatever. THAT's what keeps me coming back for more guns. I love learning about them, so my next purchase is more knowledgable. I have not been able to find pics of any gun like mine. It IS a Pork Chop SN 98xx. It was made in Monson, and has the recessed barrel nut. On the right side of the frame (usual place for DWs) it has 4 lines: 1)DAN WESSON ARMS 2)MONSON, MASS. 3)MODEL 15 4)MADE IN U.S.A. The barrel has the normal stamp; DAN WESSON ARMS 357 MAGNUM CTG. The only similar guns I have seen have the SN on the right side of the frame, and only 3 lines. I have also read something about the actions in the earlier guns, and their hammer is different, but I have not found a thread that addresses it to any extent (nor pictures). I will post my pics when I am happy with the results (yes I did read the "tips for good pics") I have a feeling this is not going to be my only DW. I am already looking for a longer PC barrel, and wood grips. Mine is 4" and has Pachy grips. Has anyone seen this setup on that early SN?

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

found this one on GB.
The earlies were strange like, I have a couple missing the serial numbers you discribe. Now where is the number located grip tang or crane? longest you can get for this one is a 6" , you will need a 2" also. if you are needing any tools for it look to the right EWK has what you need. wood grips LB on side has customs, or check Gunbrokerdot com.
Yours is a Model 15
Welcome to . when the sun shines agai I will pull out some ole pork and shoot some to show the different markings. your pics would be great too any and all so we can drool or…..

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009


January 24, 2009

SWalker said:
It IS a Pork Chop SN 98xx. It was made in Monson, and has the recessed barrel nut. On the right side of the frame (usual place for DWs) it has 4 lines: 1)DAN WESSON ARMS 2)MONSON, MASS. 3)MODEL 15 4)MADE IN U.S.A. The barrel has the normal stamp; DAN WESSON ARMS 357 MAGNUM CTG. The only similar guns I have seen have the SN on the right side of the frame, and only 3 lines. I have also read something about the actions in the earlier guns, and their hammer is different, but I have not found a thread that addresses it to any extent (nor pictures).
The style of roll mark you're describing was used just before they moved the s/n to the outside of the frame. Your gun should look like this...
The s/n should be stamped on the frame under the crane like this...
I haven't yet seen a 5-digit s/n stamped under the crane, so I think it's very likely that the number moved in plain view (on the right of the frame) with the first 5-digit numbers. I keep looking for an answer to that question...one day I'll find it.
The action design in the earlier Porkchops was a bit different than the later guns. The hammer was slightly different & the cylinder stop bolt will drop away from the cylinder with the slightest trigger movement, very early in the range of motion when firing a round. You can actually spin the cylinder by hand at this point.
The later actions were such that the bolt didn't drop away until the hammer started moving, as the trigger is pulled. This is in double action, of course.
aboard, glad to have ya here.

December 21, 2010

Charger fan is correct. Mine is just like his pics. Also I forgot to mention that it has the small ejector rod (non mushroom), but you guys probably knew that. I will update the SN database now that I know it is a 15 and not a 15-1. I really like this gun. The cylinder lock seems to just make more sense at the business end of the cylinder, where the aliignment is most crucial.
Thanks again for all the help I can't wait to shoot it.


January 24, 2009

SWalker said:
The cylinder lock seems to just make more sense at the business end of the cylinder, where the aliignment is most crucial.
I agree, it just makes sense.
Let us know what you think of it, once you get a range trip under your belt & by all means, we'd love to see some pics when you can.

December 21, 2010

In reading some other threads, I just realized that mine has the "recessed" cylinder where the ammo heads (rim) sit almost flush with the outside of the cylinder. I will get around to posting pics of all that I have mentioned next week. I haven't even has a chance to shoot it! Very close tolerance when loading .357 after many .38 spl loads. Mine needs a good cleaning, as the cylinder won't close when .357 loaded yet, and no, I did not force it. I am more impressed with this gun every time I take it out of my gun bag.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

I have a Model 14 that won't chamber .357. I'm going to follow the prevailing advice here, chuck a bore brush into my drill, and scrub, scrub, scrub!
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
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