January 5, 2011

Good Mornin'... from Mississippi!
I've been lurking on here for a few days and decided to join up this morning. Don't have a DW yet but I'm looking for and will hopefully find one soon! I think I've already been bitten by the DW bug, which is bad since I don't have that much of a budget!
Happy shootin'!
"The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit." - Nelson Henderson

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Welcome to DWF! Any Dan that you can get is a great starting point. The 15-2/715 .357 Mag revolver is the most common, and usually most affordable choice.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

January 5, 2011

Well I was hoping to find a 15-2 because I really like the slab sided barrel shroud that EWK has and I understand that the 15-2 is the only model that the shroud fits on.
I went looking today but could only find a blued 715 with vented 8" barrel made in Monson for $550, which seemed a little steep to me. Course, I don't really know much about these guns, so it may have been a reasonable price. I originally thought I got lucky because it looked like a 15-2, but when I asked the dealer he said he had no idea but that he'd never heard of a model 15-2. He pulled out this huge book of guns and prices and declared that it was a 715 instead...
"The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit." - Nelson Henderson

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

15-2 is blued (or very rarely nickel, even more rarely Armoloy) any 7- model is stainless. About a year ago I bought what was clearly a (blue) 14-2 which had been Nickel plated, and the FFL insisted on listing it on a 714 on the paperwork.
Either way (15-2 or 715) $550 is pretty high, I think.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Watch gun broker and get to know an FFL in your area you can snag one for alot less than 500. You never you might run across one that is in your area even... NAd welcome to mad house where every will know you name! or maybe not. 15-2 or 14-2 which would be the service model non adjustable sights. or even an ole Dan with the porkchop shroud.


January 24, 2009

IslandTimes said:
...but when I asked the dealer he said he had no idea but that he'd never heard of a model 15-2.
Sadly, that's all too common. Most folks (dealers included) don't know their DW models.That means you just need to ask here & we'll identify it for ya.

January 5, 2011

Thanks guys, really appreciate all the help, I'd be completely lost without yall!
I think I may head back over there tomorrow and try and convince the guy that he doesn't have the model he thinks he has, and try and work him down to a much more reasonable amount. If not, I'll definitely be taking yalls advice and hitting up gun broker.
From just the little bit I've read on this board so far, I'm really looking forward to giving one of these a spin!
"The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit." - Nelson Henderson

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

When you have one in your hand at the range suddenly something we call here sets in and is unstoppable it is
don't fight it just it happen!!!! Good luck with the dealer and keep us posted!!
great buy here on one from someone we know! http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=209843930

February 11, 2010

The huge book he is using is the Blue Book of Gun Values. He's looking up
Dan Wesson Firearms, these are of the Norwich NY era and only list a SS 715
and they do bring a higher price and yes a 715 at 98% is listed at $550.
Tell him to show you the book price again, when he dose point out the 715
description says stainless steel. Then turn to the very next page and under
Wesson Firearms Co Inc. of Monson MA. you will find the model 15 and 15-2's ,
since he likes to use the Blue Book for prices you may get him to come down
unless he made a mistake on trade-in and gave to much for it.
BBGV value for a 15-2 at 98% is $225 . If you look at the begining of the
Wesson Firearms Co. Inc. section it will show: model 15 (1970s Mfg.) ……Mfg.
1971-1975 and the about ten models later shows a : Model 15 ……..disc 1995 ,
the earlier one books $200 at 98% and is a pork chop model like the one in Dave's
signature pic above me.
You rarely see a 15-2 at 98 or 95% go for $225 so I doubt he will go that low
but worth a try, hard to tell what kind of deal you may get once you call the
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