March 9, 2009

Went to the range over the weekend, came home with a Dan Wesson Arms 357 magnum CTG Monson,Mass, USA xxxxxx cannot find any other info. barrell 4''. teriffic at 100mtrs function not so good, needs work. I collect C&R pistols, this DW is going to be a challenge for me, it will have to be taken down, Can I get parts for it will have to replace springs and what ever. First to clean it up. Good day to you all. Glad to be aboard Bill D.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

Welcome aboard shortroundbd! You will enjoy your stay here at the forum I am sure. As far as parts, many are still offered at CZ-USA. If what you are looking for is not there are many availabe on the gun auction sites at times. Happy shooting.
It is never too late to catch the DW fever...
A man cannot have too many SuperMags


January 24, 2009

Welcome aboard, glad to have ya!
Click the "models" tab at the top of this screen, you'll be able to identify your model & barrel combo there. I would imagine that you'll find DW's more user friendly in the teardown & reassembly department, than a lot of the C&R guns. Not as many intricate little things in a DW, which is nice.
Show us some pics, if you can. We're all suckers for "new" DW pics.

December 17, 2008

Shortround - welcome to the Forum!
Probably just a good cleaning and check for correct set up will put that gun in good working order.
- Factory says set the Barrel : Cylinder gap at .006 (feeler gauge). You can go to .003, just keep it clean.
- Ejector rod: keep it clean, cylinder will spin like a dream.
- Firing pin: give it and the hole a good cleaning. Check it again in 25 years.
- Grip screw - there are two: long and short. Long one will interfere with hammer action if used with a small grip.
Note - when you dismantle it, the long side plate screw captures the main spring when you insert it at the bottom of the grip tang. Very handy...
Last, see our Parts List from DW in Norwich in the Service forum.

Range Officers
February 25, 2009

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Dusty is correct on the barrel gap tighter than .006, but check the gap all the way around the cylinder and set your gap on the tightest one, there can/will be some variance.
You can sometimes find parts kits on GunBroker that have been parted out of an otherwise crapped out DW.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
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