October 21, 2013

Hello Gentleman, Figured it was time to stop in, introduce myself and my first Dan Wesson and the story that goes with it.
My Grandpa spent alot of time up in Alaska and never went anywhere without his Ruger .44mag. I grew up hearing story's about him and that .44, like how when my dad shot it grandpa had to catch him. And I regret not getting to shoot it with him at his eastern WA property now that he's gone. The Eastern Wa property now belongs to my cousin, and he told the family that we will all get to use it, but we must be armed due to bear and wolves.
It was after that I post a wanted add on my local gun site for a Dan Wesson .44mag because they are strong enough to handle heavy bear loads. Well a couple of weeks went by with no hits, so the night I was planning on ending the hunt I let it go till morning since Christmas was coming soon . Good thing I did because I woke up to a pm from a member. Long story short, a deal was made, the snow stopped, my girlfriend at the time was snowed in so I went alone, yet the passenger seat didn't feel empty and I had nothing but sunny skies for the 160 mile drive. The whole thing, felt like I had help! So with a little help from grandpa I present my new Dan Wesson 744 8V.
Now for the spooky part, based on research I done so far this .44 was made the same year I was born.

I decided that I should take the shroud and barrel off and give it a good cleaning. The front nut came off easy, but the shroud would not move. So I shot some of dads special rust killer in the front of the shroud and down into the ported vents. To help really get that in there I used dads heat gun to try and get some expansion. Still would not budge by hand so I opened the cyclender and placed a small rag in the indent where the ejector rod goes in the shroud. I very gently used a punch and hammer to tap the shroud off the barrel and this worked. I could not believe the amount of crud built up inside.

So far I have 75rnds through her, and would not hesitate to let anyone I know shoot this gun. Its as soft to shoot as my 1911!

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Welcome to the Forum. You have learned a first critical lesson regarding the Power Control barrel-keep it spotlessly clean inside that shroud, or better yet, just get a non-ported barrel.
DW "Power Control" is pretty pointless, IMO
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

January 13, 2014

Steve CT said
Welcome to the Forum. You have learned a first critical lesson regarding the Power Control barrel-keep it spotlessly clean inside that shroud, or better yet, just get a non-ported barrel.
DW "Power Control" is pretty pointless, IMO
+1. I just had to beat my shroud into submission after being lax after shooting some plated bullets with my PC barrel. Keep that dude clean and don't shoot lead boolits out of it.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

Get an unported barrel (barrel only, no shroud) from either DW or EWK Arms. Then get this:
from EWK Arms.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Absolutely unported barrel only. The ported barrel will peel copper and lead off the bullet and pack so much crap into the shroud that you may need heroic measures to get the shroud off.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin


January 24, 2009



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Ole Dog said
Youse guys! How do you really feel about ported barrels?
Interesting question, so here goes:
1) We are going to vent the energy of a high velocity .44 Magnum pistol round through two little holes smaller than a grain of rice, after it circulates through a confined volume of space inside the barrel shroud.
2) The two rice grain sized holes will be fed the vented energy through a series of holes smaller than a #2 pencil lead.
3) Previously mentioned series of holes will shave lead and jacket material over the course of years until the series of holes are more fully impacted than the third point of contact integral to the 44th President of the United States, Barack the First.
4) Individuals with zero knowledge of previously noted #'s 1/2/3 will shoot these guns every few years, and wonder why they can't hit the broad side of Iowa (much less the proverbial barn), and decide that Dan Wessons are crap.
Guess I have been less than successful in stating my admiration for the DW Power Control system, eh?
The only dumber DW thing than Power Control was plastic barrel wrenches.
In the interest of full disclosure, Budweiser co-authored this response
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

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