January 12, 2015

Hello all... Names Chris...25 yrs old from Fort Atkinson, WI.
30(ish) years ago: my father had an FFL license, the very first gun he purchased with his FFL Dealer's license happened to be a Dan Wesson. The whole intention of this gun for him was to make some money. The gun arrived for his storage and safe housing waiting for the right buyer to pawn this piece of art off on.
He ends up keeping the gun and shoots about 50 rnds thru it.
The gun never left his "safe housing".
Recent financial issue arise and he finds this handgun as he is looking for things to sell.
Yesterday: Me unknowing of what I was even looking at I say I'll give you 700$ for it. (I am not a newbie with firearms, own 4 AR-15's, Smith Sheild 40, Smith Bodyguard .380, Smith E-Series 1911, Smith M&P22 Compact, Shotguns, Muzzleloaders, ETC ETC ETC). He hesitates, says okay and hands me a "Briefcase". I hand him the cash. Alls well ends well.
In my wanders I've heard of the infamous DW Pistol Pac: Multiple Barrels (4 in the kit i believe?), Patch, Case, Feeler Gauges, Wrenches, Grips, Tools, what not.
I get this thing home without looking at it i put it away.
Today: Curiosity sets in. Knowing my father I was expecting I over paid for something thats been beat. I go home and look at my so called Pistol Pack. I find something I really don't know what it is. But it is a Dan Wesson
In this Case: To open it two chromish clips rotate 90 degrees. (after blowing off what seems 30 years of dust)
I open to find not 4 barrels but 2:
1 attached to the gun of course 8 in long (heavy as crap and vented)
1 attached to what seems to be a Burris scope 8 in long as well not as heavy
A Burris scope manual
Dan wesson owners manual w/ original mail in warranty card
The firearm itself has a black grip on it (with finger indents) but there is a wood in the case as well (kind of cowboyish in styling) with a DW medallion on it (I am assuming the original)
A Dan Wesson Patch
A set of keys assuming for the case itself
2 speed loaders w/ rounds in them
and the catch.... the barrel tool broken in half (where can i replace this thing)
Now a gun this size i was expecting a .44 or .445 supermag.
Any input would be helpful...

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

Looks to me like what DW called a Hunter Pack.
Two 8-inch barrel assembly's (BA's), one with a regular sight and the other with an optical sight.
The wood grip is the standard DW target grip.
About the barrel tool. You can buy an original on eBay at almost any time. A lot of guys have broken the originals by applying too much pressure. So get one off eBay so that you have an original and then buy one from Eric at EWK Arms (see sidebar to the right). His stuff is outstanding quality.
When using the barrel tool remember this; like I tell my wife and kids about the car doors; it's a car door not an escape hatch. You don't need to put that much effort into it. I always carry my EWK barrel tools in my range bag in case I have a BA loosen up. It has never happened.
BTW, I think you got a good deal.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Your 15-2 was made in 1987, the grip mounted is the Pachmayr Gripper, a pretty desirable item. Your extra Barrel Assembly is an 8 VH (Vent Heavy), your scope is mounted on an 8 V (Vent).
By all means, get the EWK barrel tool, and I think you did just fine on this.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
You need to give your father more credit and realize he did you a favor. Mike gave you good advice. Also, when ejecting cartridges keep your index and middle finger of your left hand through the frame pushing the cylinder open. Do not let the ejector star scratch the sideplate. Spend some time reading the forum to learn how to take care of your dan.
By the way, I think your pack is worth well over $1000 . Maybe as much as 1200.

Range Officer

Dans Club

Range Officers
July 2, 2011

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Chris Menigoz said
much appreciated guys! it needs a teardown and deep cleaning, probably been 15 years since its been cleaned. I do have reading to do before anything! Thanks a ton!
Just in case you have not seen it yet, Average Joe Tuneup can help you with this. I'd start with a thorough interior clean up and lube.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Dans Club
April 18, 2014

. That is a thing of beauty. I'd say ur dad treated you well. A true Hunter Pac... hardly fired. That should be an amazing revolver. Tune her up and give us a range report... BTW,
Oath Keeper #021479 NRA #206814004
Member AAGSR Member AGA #83120600233
"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
Richard Henry Lee
American Statesman, 1788

Dans Club
December 5, 2008


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 24, 2014

DWF Supporters

Dans Club
February 16, 2014

Welcome Chris, that is indeed a very nice Hunter Pack. You got a smokin deal. I am curious about the case. Anyone seen a DW case like that before? Dans are very agreeable to work with. i even took mine apart and even more amazing, I got them back together. A good internal cleaning does a world of good. Again, welcome to the forum.

December 19, 2014

That's cool and a cool story. What's that I'm seeing in the finish (light area) right above the top of the grip and below the lug? Can't tell if it's an artifact of the picture or something in the finish.
Don't know much about the DW cases, but looking at that foam (discoloration) I might be inclined to not store the gun nor any of the components in that case.
Would the HKS speedloaders have been part of the original kit?

August 29, 2009

You got a really nice pack there. Everything in that pack is nice and appears to be in excellent condition. The Grippers, checkered walnut grips, scoped 8" BA with Burris equipment, tools, paperwork, etc.. Perhaps one of the most particular things I'd be really pleased with is that case. Those black cases with with the blue foam don't show up very often. The speedloaders aren't original to the pack but everything else is. That's a nice collectible setup you have here. You got your money's worth and then some.

January 12, 2015

snake-eye said
Very nice score. Your dad certainly treated you right. Bidding on that set before Christmas on GunBroker would likely have exceeded $1,500.
Had he not been hurting so badly for money he would not have sold me the gun... He pondered just taking it to like a cabelas and just pawning it off, I only had the 700$ and is an item that has value to him both sentimental as well as apparently to others $ wise. It needed to stay in the family
middlecalf said
That's cool and a cool story. What's that I'm seeing in the finish (light area) right above the top of the grip and below the lug? Can't tell if it's an artifact of the picture or something in the finish.Don't know much about the DW cases, but looking at that foam (discoloration) I might be inclined to not store the gun nor any of the components in that case.
Would the HKS speedloaders have been part of the original kit?
Tis an artifact of the picture, finish is in excellent quality the gun was extremely cold when i got it out to take pictures so my hands were leaving prints all over it. As well as the case yes it is slightly discolored, but dry (no moisture) and is not flaking yet, most of the discoloration in the case looks like old gun oil to be honest.
harly said
You got a really nice pack there. Everything in that pack is nice and appears to be in excellent condition. The Grippers, checkered walnut grips, scoped 8" BA with Burris equipment, tools, paperwork, etc.. Perhaps one of the most particular things I'd be really pleased with is that case. Those black cases with with the blue foam don't show up very often. The speedloaders aren't original to the pack but everything else is. That's a nice collectible setup you have here. You got your money's worth and then some.
You all have made me curious on this case. Is theyre a historical person on here that knows facts or #'s on things like this rare case
Adam42 said
Welcome to the forum from Tennessee and thanks for the pictures, very nice looking pistol kit you have there.
Thank you!
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