June 22, 2013

Hello Everyone
I just signed up today. I may be a new Dan Wesson owner. I say "may be" because the gun has Dan Wesson Arms, Monson Mass, Model 14, Made in U.S.A. stamped on it. I understand Dan Wesson didn't stamp model numbers on the guns, and the Model 14 stamp is where I expected to see the serial number. If anyone can help me figure out what I have here I would really appreciate it. There is a 5 digit number on the other side of the gun but that's it.

Dans Club

DWF Supporters
April 20, 2010

June 22, 2013

Thanks for the info, guys. I feel better now. This is my first revolver; from everything I've read here and in other places online it looks like I made a good choice. This is a great forum, and you guys are really helping out us newbies with all of the expertise! Thanks again.
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