September 16, 2009

Hello from NC,
So I fell into this unexpectedly, I rode the bike up to Cincy from NC to visit a friend and go to another close friend's 25th wedding anniversary party. A friend of my friend new this guy who was selling off over 100 guns before his divorce. We went to look to see what he had left, I was looking for a semi-auto tactical weapon and ended up with a Taurus PT1911 .45 and the infamous DW model 15-2v with 6" barrel. I knew nothing about the gun other than what the guy told me about it, bought it for his Dad in 1980, only revolver with interchangable barrels etc. It came with the original styrofoam container(price tag says $179 or $279 can't remember) and all documentation, a nice hard case but nothing else. The gun is as new and sits in my buddies safe in Cincy because I couldn't fit the guns on the bike. I'm going back up for my niece's wedding at the end of month and fetch my treasures!!! I've done nothing but research this revolver for the last 5 days and I like what I'm reading. Now I'm looking for the 8" and 4 " VH barrels in blue or SS. Where can I score on these items at a reasonable price, CZ is ridiculous!!!...T
Tony in NC

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Tony, Welcome aboard. That price was likely $179 in 1980. Barrels are always available on GunBroker, prices are not neccessarily much lower there, and they have jumped a lot in the last 6 months.
The PT 1911 is a Love/Hate thing, I bought one as my first 1911, and it was a very good pistol BUT the ambi safety is a little fragile, has a fairly high failure rate, and Taurus Customer service is pretty bad. Mine was a great shooter, and well worth the $430 it cost me. I have since moved on to a little more upscale 1911 (a Dan Wesson ), but the PT 1911 was a great starter 1911 for me.
Good to have you with us.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Dans Club
May 17, 2009

Tony, hello and . So you got a 15-2 with the case, great! You want the 4" and 8" VH barrels in blue OR stainless? What is the finish on the 15-2. I assume it is blue as the SS model is 715-2. You know if you put a stainless barrel on a blue frame you'd have a pretty unique DW. I haven't seen that yet but if you do it we need some
. Were there any other interesting guns left in the pile you looked over? Now once you get the 15-2 and shoot it you see the stuff we all love about these masterpieces. Oh, did he have the barrel gap gage and a barrel removal tool? They are available on GB also.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Welcome Tony, You will love the 15 as soon as you get to use it, and hanging out here ain't to bad either. Finding barrels and such is a challenge or at least finding a good price is a challenge, but you just have to be patient and it will happen. Glad to have you aboard.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.


January 24, 2009

glad to have ya!
Sounds like you found youself a nice one, way to go. As these guy said, barrel assemblies are fairly easy to find for that model...it's just finding a good deal that can be a challenge. Although, that's half the fun. Before long, you'll discover that you "need" a few sets of grips, a Pac case to put 'em all in...and then a few more calibers to keep it company in the safe.

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

September 16, 2009

Guys, thanks for the welcome and to answer some of the questions, Jaggman, yes I'm already looking for the barrels as I said. Do you have them? Also, no gap gauge or barrel removal tool. Other guns in the pile I sorted through were a dozen different 9mm, several .45 cal., 3 desert eagles, .40 cals, a bunch of semi auto .22, a bunch of rare shot guns and rifles. I almost bought this Marlin lever action 44 mag. And some semi auto tactical weapons but not what I was after. When I return I might by this S&W .40 I was eyeing. Thing was, all the guns had cases and were never shot or shot hardly at all, except some of the older shot guns and rifles. Anyone knows a deal on some barrels please let me know and thank you in advance...T
Tony in NC
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