Over the last 4 decades I have been a shooter, hand loader, competitor, instructor, armorer, gunsmith and writer.
I have been shooting Dan Wesson revolvers since my Father bought his 44 Magnum back in the 1980s
Today I own 2 Model 22s, 2 Model 40s, 2 Model 41s, A model 740 and a model 741, plus several additional barrel assemblies.
Here is one of the pretty ones 🙂
Even though I knew it would not work well, I just could not resist pulling a Maxwell Smart and suppressing one of my Dan Wesson revolvers.
I would love to own a 414 Super Mag but I am not sure I could afford one. I already have a supply of virgin brass on hand. One of the distributors has a 55 gallon drum with some left in the bottom and sold it all to me at a fair price. At the time Starline did not have any and was not taking orders, so I bought it.
I have always been a fan of he tensioned, multi piece barrel design of the Dan Wesson revolvers.


Dans Club

DWF Supporters
February 4, 2017

Rimfire said
I wonder if you are using a hosting site which requires everyone to have permission to view? I don't now, nor I have ever seen them.
No I do not use a picture hosting service.
These are on my web server. The same server that I have had my images on for the last 12-15 or so years.
This is the first Forum where there has ever been an issue
Here is another try

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Photos show fine now, thanks.
One of your photos reminds me of an email I received several years ago from a police detective in Georgia. He sent me a photo of a 15-2 that had been pretty crudely suppressed, the shroud was gone and the barrel tube had been threaded for some type of homebrew suppressor. He was asking for an "expert opinion that this was not an original configuration of this revolver for use in an investigation/court case.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011


Dans Club

DWF Supporters
February 4, 2017


January 24, 2009

Nice pics! How dies the Dan sound with the suppressor? If you crank the B/C gap real tight it would probably be fairly quiet.
Charger Fan said
Welcome aboard, glad to have you here!You have some great looking DW's. I'm with Scorpio, and curious about the suppressor on your 15-2, how much does it effectively reduce the noise? Love the grips on the model 40 in your first pic. Thanks for sharing your
That is actually a Model 22.
I threaded the barrel right up against the cylinder face and backed off 1/2 turn. I did not measure it, but it is a hairs width of a B/C gap.
While it can be fired without hearing protection, it was noticeably louder than a semi-auto or a long gun. I am certain it is loud enough to cause hearing damage over time.
I never expected it to work well
Like I said it was just a fun thing to do because I could. I like the unusual and strange stuff.
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