January 5, 2023

I live in the heart of the Lowveld in Limpopo province, South Africa. Love guns, especially older ones. I have fun experimenting and modifying/customizing anything firearms related that I build
My other interests include weapons of all types , reading, hunting, and fishing and, above all else, my wonderful family.

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

Dans Club
February 24, 2013

I met 2 young gentlemen from South Africa recently at a local restaurant/pub. I overheard them speaking and immediately knew they were from outside USA so I asked where they were from. They said they were working for a local farmer that farms 90,000 acres (spanning much of the Midwest…the Dowson Family Farm). I was totally amazed Dowson hired people from so far away!!!
Welcome to the DWF from central Illinois!!!
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