December 7, 2009

Hello all,
I just joined this forum. Glad to see there's a following for DWF revolvers. I'm about to begin shooting my 10 year old NIB 7414. Maybe get into a little silhouette competition down the road. Maybe a coastal blacktail or pig hunt or two... I tried to search this forum a bit without much luck so thought I'd throw out what I'm looking for and going to need:
1) a source for 414 brass
2) recommended loading data for 180 to 240 gr jacketed and gas checked hardcast lead bullets with today's available powders
3) a source for front sight inserts - patridge and fiber optic
4) any favorite or recommended hardcast bullet sources
5) a recommended source for 414 loading dies
All help is appreciated. Links?

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

to the
. Since Shoot took care of the required
I won't have to mention it again
. Shoot also took care of offering a set of dies. Last I looked, Midway did have brass for your revolver again. If they are out send me a PM. Under the reloading topics, quite awhile ago there was some discussion if memory serves me right that had some 414 loading data. Hope to see some
of that 414. there are not many of them around to ogle at. Glad to see another 414SM owner step forward
A man cannot have too many SuperMags
go to gun broker under reloading for 414 I'm not up on the price so ask around to see if the price thru star is cheeper. I think GB start price was $9.48 per 20 so that seems high plus postage.
pictures plus any sn., factory
and purchase dates would help the forum stats.

April 25, 2008

Welcome to another .414Sm owner! There are few of us here, due to so few guns made in that caliber.
1. I ordered my brass direct from Starline.
2. My Palmer .414SM likes 30 grains AA-1680 and the Sierra 220 FPJ (no longer made). Same load with the Hornady 210 Silhouette bullet works well. Fed 210 primers, Starline brass. I had a lot of side-blast using H-110 and W-296 so I went to 1680, which wasn't as bad.
My custom Encore barrels like 25 grains Lil Gun and the same 210 Hornady bullet. For all 3 guns, substituting any other 210 grain bullet worked as well…the Sierra 210 JHC and Nosler 210 JHP were also accurate. I have also tried this load in the Dan Wesson, and it works well. The Lil Gun load is accurate enough to take Half-Scale silhouettes with ease.
3. One of our members makes front sights. Here's a link to the test.
4. Although I haven't worked with them in the .414, I like the Leadheads 235 and 270 grain bullets in my .41 Magnum Dan Wessons. The 270 will have stability problems out past 150 meters, but maybe they will work with the higher velocities of the .414, and you might have a fast-twist barrel, being it is a NY gun.
The Savantist

April 25, 2008

Oops, here's the Leadheads link.
The Savantist

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009


January 24, 2009

Range Officers
February 25, 2009

December 7, 2009

I need to check back more often. Sent my questions off into the abyss last month and then went and did some family stuff and now checking back, I see this info. Thank you all. I've taken pics of my 414 but am a little unskilled at putting them in here. I also am a little concerned about advertising to the www that I apparently have a rare gun. I've attempted to load the images...I guess we'll see if it worked.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009


January 24, 2009

Perfectspeed414SM said:
I also am a little concerned about advertising to the www that I apparently have a rare gun.
I wouldn't worry about that. If nobody has stolen SMF & IHMSA's rare gun collection by now, it's not gonna happen.
That's a great looking 414! Thanks for sharing the

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

Perfect speed,
Thanks for posting the I
over all slotted guns. I really like the look it gives them. You have a real treasure there. I don't think anyone would be too wise to bust into my stash in my house. Not all the guns are stored in safes
. As with any www. postings you never want to divulge personal info in public postings, that keeps you about as safe as can be expected. When time allows I'll email you some of the data I ssid I can provide you.
A man cannot have too many SuperMags
November 28, 2009

Perfectspeed414SM said:
I need to check back more often. Sent my questions off into the abyss last month and then went and did some family stuff and now checking back, I see this info. Thank you all. I've taken pics of my 414 but am a little unskilled at putting them in here. I also am a little concerned about advertising to the www that I apparently have a rare gun. I've attempted to load the images...I guess we'll see if it worked.
You are right in my opinion about being concerned about the whole www. thing. I don't blame you one bit. I myself am the same way. Even though I own a safe and any would be burglar would be disappointed if he was looking for weapons and the are others that are not in the safe are not visible to the naked eye and are placed in well planed areas for quick access for such occasions. LOL Super nice pictures that you have posted.
"I don't believe in repeat offenders I believe in dead offenders." Ted Nugent
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