Hey all,
I've recently decided to add a revolver to my collection, and I've decided on a Dan Wesson. I haven't acquired one yet, but with a little luck and the gods of gunbroker on my side, I should have one before long. Seeing as this is my first DW, as well as my first wheelgun, I'll likely have a few questions for you guys! Out of curiosity, would it be bad etiquette to ask if listings on gunbroker look like decent deals?


January 24, 2009

aboard, glad to have you here.
Like most places, GB can be a little hit-n-miss where prices are concerned. Some sellers are priced high, but there certainly are deals to be found now & then...you just need to be savvy on what you're looking at & be prepared to pounce if it looks like a good deal.
Welcome!! If an item has no bids, the starting price is too high. It may have sold for that or more if it started lower and a bidding frenzy ensued. Most Items start in the evening and rarily a really good BIN pops up. Guns with extra barrel assemblies sell for less than buying them separately. Barrel tools included saves you that expense. Extras are nice. Ditto for a box and paperwork. Grippers (Pachmyer) add $30-40 and zebrawood up to a $100 more. No cylinder line, skies the limit. Model 14 and 14-2 are usually a bargain and very very nice guns. Best to watch for a while to get a feel. Prices can go up dramatically in the last minutes. Oh, most importantly, if you like it buy it.

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

I, personally, have no problem if you want to ask about the value or deal quality of a gun on gunbroker or anywhere else. It has the potential to alert others to a good deal, but I always assume likely buyers are regularly trolling through most sites anyway and so you probably won't be creating competition you didn't already have. You'll likely get some responses from forum members. We all have opinions about anything DW and we usually don't mind sharing them.
Just remember, values are different in different places. Good luck on your hunt!
to the Forum from another FL member.
What part of Florida are you in?


DWF Supporters
October 11, 2009



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

I also will help you spend your money- Ask Away! Additionally, you may wish to place a WTB post here, on the DWF. Great bunch of folks and someone may have what you are looking for (and be willing to part with it).
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....

April 22, 2014

Ole Dog said
Well, we fixed R up with his first wheel gun. He should be along soon to show it off. He had his choice of shrouds, grips and sight. I helped his DWAS along by letting him shoot a 744 4"VH.
That he did! I'm not sure if there's a feedback/reputation feature or thread on this board, but Ole Dog gets an A+ from me. Great buying experience. I'll post a few pics to the picture board momentarily.. here's a teaser.
Also, I'm not sure what happened to my old posts/username? It wouldn't let me log in and didn't even recognize my username to reset my password! So I just made a new one with the same name. Looks like all my old posts are "Guest" posts now. Weird.
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