January 27, 2018

Good morning all, I just recently purchased my first DW revolver. I have been putting this off for 19 years. The first time I shot one I was hooked. From reading everything what I "think" I have is a model 15-2 4v. The only thing that truly confused me was the lack of a trigger stop (if that is what it's called). I will try and get a detailed picture but from what I can tell it doesn't have one on the frame or trigger. Hopefully one of you knowledgeable beings can answer this question for me. I bought an 8" barrel just for the fun factor alone.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Welcome. I think I see the trigger stop in your first picture. It is right at the base of the trigger on the back. I think your serial number is in the 300,000s. Some time around there but usually after 360,000 the trigger top migrated to the frame behind the trigger. Strangely, there are exceptions to the timing of the move. Perhaps parts were mingled until they were used up.


January 24, 2009

^^^ I agree with Ole Dog, when I blow up your pic, I see a trigger stop on your trigger. It looks like an allen style set screw, if you are familiar with those. You should also notice a circular contact point on the frame where the trigger stop touches, providing it's been adjusted as it should.
to the
*edit* You can slightly see the later style frame mounted trigger stop here. Notice the indent in the back of the trigger has no allen screw as yours does

December 25, 2014

I agree with Ole Dog and Charger Fan. Looking at your pic it appears that the trigger stop on yours is in the trigger although it is in a shadow.
Here is a pic of my 15-2 DW 4 inch that has the stop in the trigger. I can't read your serial number but, to me, it looks to be 5 digits. Mine is in the 175,000 range.
Welcome to the forum! Happy shooting!!!
Lets Go PENs!!!

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

January 27, 2018

You guys are 100% correct. The set screw is on the trigger. I was thinking it would be in the same spot just opposite of the ones on the frame. I never even looked closer to the frame of the gun. The serial number is 1323xx. The pictures don't do any justice to the finish of this gun. I almost don't want to shoot it. This was a friend's dad's revolver and he said he always remembered him having it in the 80's.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Welcome to DWF. Nice looking revolver, born in 1982.
Strictly speaking it is a Model 15-2. The barrel style is not part of the (legal) model description because it could then have a variety of "model names", just a bit of DW Trivia!
My guess is that the cylinder might be milled with recessed chambers to seat the cartridge rims flush as well, something that disappeared in later production.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
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