November 13, 2009

Figured I'd drop in and say hello, I just purchased my first DW and will have it in my hands today, tomorrow, or wednesday and the latest. Its a Monson made 44VH8. I've had 629s before but when I looked into handloading for them I was advised they couldn't stand up to hotter loads so I sold them and started looking for a DW. I always thought the interchangeable barrel system was brilliant but just never saw many DWs anywhere so I ended up with Smiths. I'm looking forward to getting it in my hands and maybe even locating a 6" barrel and shroud for it also. This looks like a great place for info and conversation and I look forward to contributing here in the future. I may be new to DWs and handloading the .44 Magnum (but not handloading in general) but I will learn fast!

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

falar, to the
. Where we hope you enjoy reading and learning alot about DW's. There are many great piecves of information here and some real knowledgable members as well. Once you get a chance to take some
of your new Dan, we sure would like to see it. We reaaly have a picture need here that needs fed often. Thanks for joining.
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

November 13, 2009

Thanks for the welcome guys, I'll definitely take some pictures when I get it.
I bought it off GB (I know, but I had no choice as no one local had any and even GB only had a few) and hopefully it pans out to be as advertised. I noticed some light drag marks in the pics despite their poor quality (dark) but it looks to be in good shape to me. Did I overpay by much?

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

Great looking 44 there. Make sure to not shoot lead bullets out of the the ported "power control" barrell however. They will make a mess between the shroud and your barrel that you would rather not deal with. keep the lead in the solid barrell. Enjoy!
A man cannot have too many SuperMags
Supermagfan said: Make sure to not shoot lead bullets out of the the ported "power control" barrell however. They will make a mess between the shroud and your barrel that you would rather not deal with. keep the lead in the solid barrell.
Falar, that is a beautiful model 44 you have there! Welcome to the the more the merrier! I wanted to reemphasize Supermagfan's comments about shooting lead in a power control barrel. I learned the hard way and for a time I wasn't sure I was even going to be able to separate the barrel from the shroud!

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Welcome to DWF, nice looking 44. When my son was in TX he very rarely saw any DW's. I almost always see one in one of the local shops, availability always outstrips my resources to buy.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin


January 24, 2009

November 13, 2009

I'm no expert photographer, but here are some pics:
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[Image Can Not Be Found]
[Image Can Not Be Found]
[Image Can Not Be Found]
Judging by the serial # it appears to be mid 80s manufacture right? I definitely like the trigger on this gun so far, the DA pull is considerably lighter than other revolvers I've owned/shot. I like the long hammer spur and short pull of the hammer also. The FFL I picked it up from is a friend of mine who is also a gunsmith, and he has lots of experience with revolvers and Dan Wessons in particular. He said that the cylinder does rotate a bit early and I might want to think about getting it adjusted before I go putting 1000s of rounds down range. Something I noticed is that if you put the ported barrel on, the ports on the barrel are not in the same exact spot as the ports in the shroud like I would have thought. This gun appears to have been fired very little but was obviously stored away for a long time. The ported barrel appears to have never been used and when I took the barrel off it looked like that was the first time it had been off, found a lot of old factory grease dried up in the threads. I gave both barrels a good scrubbing as they were full of lint/dust and the blued barrel had what may or may not be some surface rust. One thing strange that I've noticed is that about 1" or so into the stainless ported barrel it appears that a section of the rifling is missing for the full circumference of the barrel. I can't wait to get this gun to the range and if it shoots half as good as it looks I'll be happy. What an attractively finished pistol this is, hopefully if I pick up a 6" shroud the blueing will match the frame. I'm already thinking about getting a nice custom holster made for it too!

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

Gorgeous gun, falar. Just remember; jacketed bullets only through that ported barrel. And, yes, the ports in the barrel are offset from the ports in the top of the shroud. That ensures even gas venting from the barrel so as not to upset the bullett. Then the chamber is vented through the ports in the shroud.
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