February 11, 2023

I'm a retired Federal contract administrator. I retired from the government in 2003 and from private industry in 2011. I worked as a civilian for DOD (purchasing weapons systems), DOE (various Nuclear projects), and private industry (various Nuclear projects). My wife and I have relocated 21 times during our marriage. We've lived all over the country! I am a veteran (US Army) and served, with honor, during the Vietnam era. I am TN native and was raised in Chattanooga. We retired here in 2011 on 11 acres.
I'm a former NRA Certified Handgun instructor, a former Certified Glock armorer, and a former IDPA Safety Officer Instructor and Match Director. I'm 74 with a beautiful wife (married 55 yrs!), two daughters and 5 grand-kids (ages 18 to 25). My R-leg was amputated below the knee in late 2015, so I've used a powered-chair since then, but I still get out to the local range and my 11 acres to shoot. I've had a concealed carry permit since 1974, and still pack a blaster anytime I go out. I pack a Kahr PM45 (.45 ACP) in a Maxpedition bag and sometimes a Springfield Hellcat (9mm) in a fanny pack (both bags with red&white medical cross on them). I've found that nobody looks twice at an old gray haired fat guy in a wheelchair. Drawing my blasters from a belt holster is no longer an option for as sitting in a power chair with arms is too restrictive on drawing from the waist area. I am now considering a Cross-Breed Chest Rig to wear under my jacket when I go out. The draw should be much faster than from a zippered bag. I have an extensive gun collection that now includes 3 DW .357 revolvers (1-Mod 12 and 2 Mod 15s). I used to own another Mod 15 and a 44V, but sold both when I quit hunting some years ago. My 4 grandsons and my granddaughter and her husband are all shooters, so we burn up lots of ammo each year. I've been a re-loader for over 50 years and am now teaching the grandsons, a nephew and a cousin to reload.
I have an



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

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February 24, 2013

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December 4, 2011

February 11, 2023

Thank you all for the warm welcome.
rwsem, you asked if I have tried a Belly-band type holster. Unfortunately, I wear 5XL shirts and jackets, so I've yet to find one that is large enough to circumvent my my ample girth. I am now evaluating the Crossbreed Holsters Chest rig for winter wear under my jacket (or warm weather wear under a Hawaiian style shirt). As soon as Crossbreed confirms the rig will fit me, I'll order one for the Hellcat, and if I like it I'll order another one for the Kahr PM45.
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