February 6, 2014

Hello to all my fellow DW addicts! Joined a few weeks ago and finally getting around to introducing myself. I was trying to read up on all of the topics that interested me (OCD), but quickly found out it was the whole forum! One section at a time now for me.
Here are some pictures of my little friends. The Pork Chop is getting refinished and should be bright and shiny by tomorrow. My gunsmith actually had a 2" and 4" barrel assemblies just sitting there in his shop. They had the recessed nuts, but I own them now anyway. If anyone here has a 6" barrel assembly or a hard case for a Pork Chop, please let me know.
You've been a busy little bee , that's a lot of honey. Welcome. You are a dan fan for sure. Let's see. Two 15-2 VH pistol pacs, a715 with seven bas., a H.S. sentinel mk 111, and a nickel mod 11. A fondness for zebra wood and grippers. Definitly a full blown case of DWAS. Two doornob tools in the same pack is a little obsessive. Just love that model 11.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011


DWF Supporters
October 11, 2009


January 24, 2009

I always thought the model 11 was a fixed sight revolver...
It is! But there's plenty of meat there, that a smith could mill out the appropriate pad for an adjustable sight.
The Model 12 for side-by-side comparison.
Exezidis' model 11 has got to be a custom gun. I would guess that some previous owner decided he didn't like the fixed sight & either sent it back to DW for an upgrade, or to a very good gunsmith.
aboard & thanks for sharing
of your neat DW's, and I'm diggin' the HS MKIII. That model 11 is really something.
What's the story on Pac #3? I like the case layout, is it a 715 Pac?

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Exezidis' model 11 has got to be a custom gun. I would guess that some previous owner decided he didn't like the fixed sight & either sent it back to DW for an upgrade, or to a very good gunsmith.
My guess would be the guy who did the roll marks was sleepy on Monday morning and forgot to change the stamp. QA did not catch it or they decided not to scrap an otherwise nice revolver for one digit off on the model number. Its obvious DW did not put much stock in model numbers anyway as they left them off all the later models. Just a theory of course. Either way still a nice piece.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.

February 6, 2014

Ole Dog said
You've been a busy little bee , that's a lot of honey. Welcome. You are a dan fan for sure. Let's see. Two 15-2 VH pistol pacs, a715 with seven bas., a H.S. sentinel mk 111, and a nickel mod 11. A fondness for zebra wood and grippers. Definitly a full blown case of DWAS. Two doornob tools in the same pack is a little obsessive. Just love that model 11.
Ole Dog,
You put a big ole smile on my face! Loved your comments! One 15 I bought from a friend who bought it new in the mid 80's, and the second was bought from Gander Mountain. It was a trade from the original owner with the original receipt from 1982 tucked behind the foam. It was $439.87 plus $56 to swap the shrouds to the VH's. My 715 has a complete set of VH's, and I found a 4" and 6" VR with the scope that I added to it. The H.S. was a total fluke at a gun show, a friend of a friend had it. The previous owner bought it in 1975 from the original owner. The 11 is the newbie in the bunch and I'm trying to piece together a PP for that one. Yes, I love my Zebra Wood and my Combat Grippers! As for the door knobs, all I can say is- Hello, my name is Kirk and I am a DW addict.

February 6, 2014

Charger Fan said
I always thought the model 11 was a fixed sight revolver...It is!
But there's plenty of meat there, that a smith could mill out the appropriate pad for an adjustable sight.
The Model 12 for side-by-side comparison.
Exezidis' model 11 has got to be a custom gun. I would guess that some previous owner decided he didn't like the fixed sight & either sent it back to DW for an upgrade, or to a very good gunsmith.
aboard & thanks for sharing
of your neat DW's, and I'm diggin' the HS MKIII. That model 11 is really something.
What's the story on Pac #3? I like the case layout, is it a 715 Pac?
Thank you! The H.S. is, from what I can tell based on their production info, a July 1973 production piece (GR stamp). The gentleman I bought it from got it in 1975 from the original purchaser. The 715 is a PP. The case is actually an old stainless and aluminum briefcase that I had laying around. I had a custom foam insert cut for it at a local shop. I took all of the pieces to him, I laid it out how I wanted them in the case, and he did the rest. I think it was a good way to spend $79.

February 6, 2014

lbruce said
Exezidis' model 11 has got to be a custom gun. I would guess that some previous owner decided he didn't like the fixed sight & either sent it back to DW for an upgrade, or to a very good gunsmith.
My guess would be the guy who did the roll marks was sleepy on Monday morning and forgot to change the stamp. QA did not catch it or they decided not to scrap an otherwise nice revolver for one digit off on the model number. Its obvious DW did not put much stock in model numbers anyway as they left them off all the later models. Just a theory of course. Either way still a nice piece.
That's funny! I told my wife that it was probably done on a Friday at 4:55 in the afternoon.
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