March 19, 2022

I started shooting handgun silhouette in Western NY a long time ago. I was shooting a Ruger Blackhawk .357 max. and a T/C Contender 10in. 7mmTCU. After a year or so I decided to switch to a Dan Wesson. I bought a Dan Wesson model 40 with a 8in slotted barrel. What a shooter. Then I bought a Dan Wesson model 7445 with a 8in vent heavy barrel. I stopped shooting shortly after buying the 7445 because all the ranges stopped shooting silhouette so I didn't shoot it much. I sold it and wished I would have kept it. I still have the Model 40 but am thinking of selling it now, I'm getting old. Dan Wesson sure made a great product. I sure hope my story didn't bore you too much.

Dans Club
February 24, 2013

How old is getting old? Asking for a friend. 😁. Maybe take up short range combat shooting. It is a skill that will be needed soon. Keep the model 40. One day it will be a museum piece. If you still have the Ruger 357 max don't send it back to Ruger for springs. They will keep it and offer you any gun they make instead.


DWF Supporters
June 11, 2016

Jackson was nice enough to give me the opportunity to purchase his Model 40 that he was no longer using and it is really nice. I plan on taking it to the outdoor range once it warms up a little more here in Wisconsin. Still in search of a Model 740. Thanks much for the opportunity, Jackson.
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