Range Officer

Dans Club

Range Officers
July 2, 2011

Hi Clint and welcome to the Forum. Any questions? Ask away. There are a bunch of folks here with a ton of Dan knowledge.
By your description of your symptoms, I would diagnose a well developing case of (Dan Wesson Acquisition Syndrome)
Picture posting is pretty simple. Take a look at this page.
We will most definitely want to see
To the paranoid people who check behind shower curtains for murderers:
if you find one...what's your plan?

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Dans Club
April 18, 2014

Welcome aboard Clint.. Glad to have you counted with us.
Oath Keeper #021479 NRA #206814004
Member AAGSR Member AGA #83120600233
"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
Richard Henry Lee
American Statesman, 1788


DWF Supporters
October 11, 2009

July 10, 2014

Ole Dog said
Welcome. I'd say that is a great start. Can you see a pistol pack in your future?
Maybe so :). I am already thinking about trying to pick up some different length barrels for what I have. Would yall go new or used? The shroud that came on my 44 is kinda marred up a little, how tough is it to just replace that part? Thanks!


DWF Supporters
October 14, 2010

You have a couple options.
New DW shrouds are laser etched with caliber.
If you want to match shrouds to your frame used is the only option. You will need to wait for one to come up and they usually bring good money.
EWK arms also makes quality barrel assemblies. I have few and I'm very happy with them.
Unless your shroud is severely damaged you should be able to cleans it up yourself. Stainless steel is nicely brought back to life with scotchbrite and mothers mag wheel polish.
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