July 21, 2009
after lurking for a day or so I thought I should introduce myself. I'm new to the forum, but not completely new to DWA. Back in the mid-'80s I carried an early DW during my oh-so-brief "law enforcement career" (I was a reserve deputy); swapped that for a Model 15 Pistol Pack, swapped that off and eventually got a 41 Mag with assorted barrels. Too much frustration with the ported barrels lead me to swap that off, then it took me almost 15 years to find another DWA.
The new Dan is a 6" 44 that should arrive sometime next week. I guess then I'll start seeking new barrels and shrouds . . .
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
February 28, 2009
October 26, 2008
be careful DWAS is a very contagious disease, it can be transmitted via internet. Congrats on the 44, I am also awaiting the arrival of a new DW getting a little anxious. It'll be hard to stop at one for you, especially hanging around this site. but again
Oh one more thing we're addicted to pics, it helps to sooth the disease temporarily so once you get the 44 make sure to snap a few.
July 21, 2009
Thanks for the welcome guys. I've a tad bit of familiarity with DWAS, having begun developing it in the late '70s. I recently acquired a TC Contender w/22LR barrel; after test-firing it the only thing I could say was that it was "almost as accurate as a Dan Wesson." I've a Smith Model 65 for a GP .357, "until I can find a Dan." And I still want a .375 SM for a hunting pistol . . . that hasn't gone away despite all the years since I last shot one.
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
We're happy to have you here. That "had a Dan Wesson, but traded it/sold it" story is repeated many times here. I have owned a 15-2 for over 30 years, but only recently got a 744. It's still a little intimidating for me, but I'm changing out from the smooth wood grips, and getting more used to it all the time.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
February 9, 2009
January 24, 2009
July 21, 2009
Thanks again guys. Steve CT, nothing wrong with taking a while to get used to a new gun, especially if you're not used to the size/weight/recoil/color/grips/sights/etc. Things like that help explain bad shooting days, those days when you can't seem to hit anything.
IHMSA80x80, my only exposure to the 375 came during a prairie dog expedition. I ran into a guy who was using one and got to run a box of ammo through it. Seriously nice trajectory, and as so often happens when shooting a borrowed gun, I shot way better than usual. (He made the same comment about his shooting with my rifle.) The trajectory and power have stayed in my mind ever since.
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
November 17, 2008
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
lbruce said:
Welcome to the crew. Sounds like a chronic case of DWAS has come out of remission.
Sounds like a DWF Mission Statement: Saving lost souls, wandering aimlessly in a world full of average handguns.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
November 17, 2008
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
February 9, 2009
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
Thank God, another 1911 guy! One of the long term dreams for me is a CBOB, but I keep getting weak and picking off "targets of opportunity" as they pop up.
to the NUT HOUSE
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
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