December 11, 2010

Like the topic says, youv'e got another newbie here. I've had a dan wesson .357 for awhile now and just picked up one in .44 mag. I'll try to get some pics up soon. I don't know nearly as much about them as I would like. I hope you don't mind me asking some questions of you guys who know everyting.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

cwat320 said:
I hope you don't mind me asking some questions of you guys who know everyting.
Every time I think I know everything, life teaches me something new
Seriously, we learn new stuff about DW's very regularly, welcome to the DWF Journey.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009


January 24, 2009

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

December 11, 2010

Wow, thanks for all the responses. I do have one question to start off with though. I took the new .44 out shooting today and it fired great but it was really hard to eject the casings. Everything seems fine with the gun but??? I think I might have gotten a bad batch of ammo or something (winchester white box). One of the casings came out with a crack down the side. Shot a box of 50, that was the only one that looked bad but all were hard to get out. Any ideas to make me feel better about my new baby? Thanks in advance.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Two things come to mind. Too hot batch of ammo, hard to believe with Winchester white box, but possible. Or could be dirty or rough chambers. Clean the heck out of it and try some different ammo. The cracked case does tend to support the hot ammo theory. Others may have better ideas. good luck
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

February 11, 2010

cwat320 said:
Wow, thanks for all the responses. I do have one question to start off with though. I took the new .44 out shooting today and it fired great but it was really hard to eject the casings. Everything seems fine with the gun but??? I think I might have gotten a bad batch of ammo or something (winchester white box). One of the casings came out with a crack down the side. Shot a box of 50, that was the only one that looked bad but all were hard to get out. Any ideas to make me feel better about my new baby? Thanks in advance.
I buy alot of ammo and I do not reload, I will buy what ever is the best deal, in bulk or
just plain avalible. I will say, without a doubt, in the last year or so Winchester has to
be the most inconsistant Ammo maker there is right now. Not sure if it is their military
contract's giving them an overload or what but their QC really needs a make over.
Could give dozens of examples of mis-seating , mis-priming and even bullets literally
falling out ! Don't get me wrong, I'm not name bashing here, I still buy Winchester
but I darn sure look each round over good before I load it in my guns.
If your chambers are fouled up, which is very possible, Hoppes makes a Tonado brush
that when put with a drill, will make quick work of the toughest job.


January 24, 2009

Blacktop said:
I buy alot of ammo and I do not reload...
Do you save your once fired brass to resell? Well, all but that bad Win brass, I mean.
That's odd about the bad Win brass...I bet that's a direct result of the ammo shortage brought on by Barry's intro...a while back.

February 11, 2010

I save some of the revolver stuff, never chase the auto stuff down. I should, but
I don't . When we are at the Sheriffs range we jump from paper to steel to golf
balls over to silhouette. Lots of dirt grass , mud and snow, given the season and day.
To time consuming to pick it up, not to mention the 1000's of empty's of 40 S&W
from LEO practice you would have to sift through to find your own.
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