April 2, 2022

Just registered here. started shooting steel in 1980 after an engineer sent to Eglin for a USAF project, whom shot at the Tucson Club, came by to shoot on our range. The ballistics engineer was an old time steel mover, even by that time. So, the accuracy reloading, power reloading and concentration was of great interest to me. The game is all about the shoot off targets, not the big targets by the way.
During the decades since, a bit of water went over the dam. I have owned dozens of Dans, came to know Eric and Seth Wesson and Bob Serva. I was the Industry Relations Director on the Board of Directors for a national shooting organization. Early on I started shooting cast only in competition.
The Dan is a great gun, great bed for building custom revolvers. When Bob sold DW to CZ, it was only a matter of time before CZ stopped the revolver production, too much hand fitting and CZ was interested in the 1911 guns and new production equipment that Bob had bought.
There is a remedy for all things, save death.

Dans Club
February 24, 2013

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

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