October 10, 2011

Hi all. I found this forum while searching for information on a gun that I recently inherited. I have not been able to find anything out about this gun, so i figured what better place to join and ask.:) I know nothing about guns. I looked through one post ssomewhere(don't remember which post it was) and found a bunch of different models, but no pics to try to match mine with. The gun I have is a 44 magnum and it has 2 barrels according to the paperwork that came with it. 1 barrel is a power control barrel(whatever that means) and another non PC barrel. It looks like it has sat in the box for a long time. The only date I can find is 1981 in the paperwork in the box with the gun. Any info you guys can give me would be wonderful.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Yip this is a Model 44. Becareful in taking the barrel out that you use a metal wrench. these alot of times came with plastic wrench that would give up if things were over tightened. Looks to be in good shape and will bring you many years of shooting pleasure! This one will take 44 spl or 44mag rounds. Clean it up and shoot it, i would say make sure the non ported barrel is in place (the one that is with out holes) Thanks for the pics as we do love them! What is your plan for the Ole Dan?
Here again to the

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

December 26, 2010

to the forum. I always have mixed feelings when somebody inherits a gun. They must have been somebody special to you to leave you that fine Dan. I'm sorry for your loss and congratulations on having something special to remember them by.
Dan's are great guns. The accuracy of the shrouded barrel and a wonderful trigger action are just two of their great features.
Since you say you don't know anything about guns:
1. Always treat a gun like it is loaded, even if it isn't.
2. Point it only at things you are willing to shoot.
3. Be very aware of not only your target but what is near and what is beyond your target
4. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire.
Ear protection is a good thing. These things are loud and can damage hearing quickly.
If you are going to start shooting with this one, I recommend trying 44 specials first. Dan's handle recoil well but with a new shooter, start with the tamer specials rather than the magnums.
Again welcome. You've come to a great place for info on Dan's. Now go

February 11, 2010

Hey JB,
Looks like a model 44 with a 6 in standard shroud and the date on
your paper work would be a good guess on it's birth.
If your going to remove the shroud/barrel save your self some
head ache right now and head on over to Forum member Eric's
store and pick up a good wrench. http://www.ewkarms.com/index.htm
Most will recommend using the non-ported barrel you all ready have
especially if you shoot any quanity of ammo. Sometimes those shrouds
are a little trouble getting off so post back if you run into any problems.


January 24, 2009

October 10, 2011

Thank you for the welcomes and information. I must admit that I am not a gun person and will probably not keep the gun. I did take the gun to a local gun shop and they offered me $200 for it. I kept the gun. Should I have taken it? I didn't think it was a fair price, but I don't really know what would be a fair price for it. I realize they are in the business to make money, but I just felt like they were trying to ream me.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

$200 is a reasonable price for them to BUY, they will resell at $350 to move it fast, more likely $400-450 and wait for a buyer. I think people here would give you $350 in a heartbeat, and there may be buyers at $400.
Since you are not a gun person, be aware that if you sell that and intend to ship/mail it, it will need to go through a local (to you) FFL dealer (usually a gun shop) to the buyers FFL, for which there will be a fee. You may also need to provide paperwork to the FFL on your end proving legal ownership (proof of inheritance).
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

October 10, 2011

Ok, I did some reading around here and ended up ordering a berral wrench from EWK(thanks for the link) and took the gun apart to clean it last night. BOY was it dirty. It had the ported barrel in it so I put the standard barrel in it and am now eagerly awaiting to shoot it. Thanks for all of the replies.
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