Hi, my name is Mark and I am addicted to Revolvers and 1911s. I am a Criminal Psychologist and work in two different areas now. Personally, I believe that too many people make excuses for their criminal behavior. I am sub-contracted by the state. I fundamentally refuse to make excuses for criminal's behavior. I work for Child Protective Services responding to reports of abuse and neglect on children. I also counsel individuals that have been remanded to the state under the Baker Act and Marchman act; which basically state that the individual is suicidal or a severe drug abuser.
I am the son of a Swat officer and a State Trooper. I am a strong law enforcement suporter and I have many friends that are deputies and officers. I mean my entire childhood was spent in a police station at my parent's work visiting officers, hanging out with them, going to the range with them, etc.
I have a whole bunch of guns but only one Dan Wesson to date and its one of my favorite revolvers. Its a model 3" barrel Model 15 fixed barrel, I understand they are quite rare.

Dans Club

DWF Supporters
April 20, 2010

lonwolf93 said:
Welcome to the forum. You have a very nice fixed barrel, the bluing looks really great on it. Fixed barrels don't show up often, I have a 3" like yours in stainless.
Thanks, I'd love to get a stainless model to go with my blued one. I am currently shopping for a 357 maximum


January 24, 2009

Personally, I believe that too many people make excuses for their criminal behavior.
I couldn't agree more. I also think that goes hand in hand with the lack of personal accountability that seems to be infesting our younger generations.
mesinge2 said:
I'd love to get a stainless model to go with my blued one.
Keep looking for a stainless one, they are out there. My first one was blued, and I was fortunate to land a stainless brother shortly afterward. These two compliment each other nicely.
Overall, the FB guns are fairly rare, some more than others. From what I've seen so far, the 3" 15-2's seem to be the most common of the FB group.
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