January 16, 2013

Hello from Oklahoma!
Pleased to have joined this forum, after just reacquiring a Dan Wesson revolver. I had a 445 supermagnum, back in the 90's, which as we all have done, regretably sold; probably the most accurate Handgun I have ever owned.
I picked up a 15-2v 6" 357mag yesterday, with the original case, but no wrench etc., but ordered the aftermarket ones from EWKArms. Serial No. is 293xxx, so I believe is a 1980 model, manufactured at the Monson plant. May have paid a little over the top, but in todays Gun frenzy, I felt very comfortable paying $510. The gun shows very little use and I would rate in Exc+ condition, with barely any bluing wear & the barrell is as clean as a whistle & cylinder travel extremely minimal.
Took it down the range this morning, had some nice grouping at about 20yds, but all high & to the left, probably user technique error?? On receipt of the barrel wrench will check the gap. I shot 38 Spl+P & 357mag & found the latter to perform better.
Once I figure out how to upload photos, I will do so & would be pleased to have some input on my newbie! Obviously have not researched the site extensively as a guest, but as a member, I am sure I will find plenty more useful info.!

Dans Club

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January 16, 2013

Thanks for the Welcomes!
Your comments Blacktop are noted, just awaiting the wrench set up from EWK to check the gap. I plan on getting their 2 1/2", which I was informed, should be available in Februay. Anyone have expierence with this barrell? I also shoot Rugers LCR, which is a cannon in 357mag, but fine in 38Spl + P & very accurate. My thinking, EWK's 2 1/2, will be more manageable in 357 mag??

Range Officer

Dans Club

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July 2, 2011

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