Hi everyone!
I just found this forum, and thought I'd join in.
I live in Monson, MA, less than five miles from the old factory on Main Street.
Although I don't own any revolvers yet, I'd like to add one to the collection.
What better choice than a Monson edition Dan Wesson revolver, right?
I'm looking forward to learning about these firearms, and some of the history surrounding the man and his company....
Welcome to the forum Mike!
I think a Monson DW should definitely be in your future!
I read somewhere that there's a lot of clean up to be done at the original site. Is the building still there? If so if you ever have some free time it would be cool if you could get us a couple of photos!
So is there a particular caliber that you'll be looking for? I think you have folks here with everything from a .22 to the .445 SuperMag and everything in between so hopefully we could answer any questions you might have.
Again Welcome, Jody
Hi Jody,
Thanks for the warm welcome!
I've only been in Monson for a few months now, so I'm not sure of the status on the cleanup project. I know $200,000 was granted toward the effort, but I'm not sure what's been done as of late.
The next time I'm headed 'downtown' I'll take along my camera and snap a few photos for the members here.
I'm looking for something .357 caliber or larger.....stainless steel would be nice, with the heavy barrel shroud(s). A complete pistol pack would be the coolest, but might be hard to justify financially at the moment.


January 24, 2009

IHMSA80x80 said:
How cool is that? A member from Monson. Welcome to the forum! What cartridge are you interested in for your future Dan Wesson?
I can't be the only Forum member from Monson, can I?
I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for....yet.
However, I am open to suggestions, so feel free to offer a few!


January 24, 2009

Jody Baldwin said:
I read somewhere that there's a lot of clean up to be done at the original site. Is the building still there? If so if you ever have some free time it would be cool if you could get us a couple of photos!
Again Welcome, Jody
Photos of the old site added in a separate thread:

April 25, 2008

I agree with Charger Fan. The M15's are also less expensive to acquire than the Supermags or large frame guns. I'm a big fan of the .41 Magnum, and due to the extra weight in the bigger frames, recoil is no worse than a .357 Magnum.
Lots of nice 15's on the auction sites. The quest is on.
The Savantist
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