December 19, 2017

Hey all,
Just thought I'd introduce myself. I just picked up a Dan Wesson .44 with three barrels (4", 6", & 9.5"). Take a look below!
Very excited to get a hold of this piece. Been a long time wish list item, finally pulled the trigger. It should ship to my FFL next week, then another week waiting period and off to the range.
Looking forward to tapping into the amazing knowledge base in this community. (Speaking of which, if anyone knows where I can get a hold of a 2" barrel, I'd greatly appreciate it.)
Happy New Year, everybody.


Dans Club

DWF Supporters
February 4, 2017

Welcome aboard the Dan Wesson Forum. There's lots of good information here and lots of good people to help you with questions.
Regarding your quest for a snubby barrel assembly for your 44mag...the originals from Dan Wesson are few and far between. EWK Arms made a run of them some time ago and they will occasionally show up on eBay or GunBroker. Keep your eyes open and be ready for some competition.
You already have the 4" barrel assembly which is a head start as it is highly sought also. Your have two styles of barrel assembly - the 4" and 6" are V (vented) and the 10" is VH (vent heavy). An 8" is also available in either style.
Take a look at THIS PAGE and you will learn a lot about Dan Wesson pistols.


DWF Supporters
June 11, 2016

Welcome from Wisconsin, nice 44! Try giving Shawn a call as he has helped me out here is a link to CZ:

December 19, 2017

Thanks for the welcome and the good info. I'm definitely a revolver junky, Mr. Wesson will feel right at home with my V-comp .357 and 460 XVR Bone Collector from the other Wesson, Taurus Raging Judge .454/.410 (currently for sale, kind of a novelty), and Ruger Bearcat Shopkeeper.
I'm trying to find a smith that will work my Marlin 1894 in .44 to fire the super-mag. They'll Marlin and the DW will make a nice pair.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Welcome to DWF, very nice looking Model 44. I don't really keep up on "value", but $1500 feels a little high. Everything you pictured looks very nice, and that finger groove grip will help tame the .44 Mag, especially with the 4".
If you call EWK about a barrel assembly, do yourself a favor and get the all steel barrel tool as well, the plastic ones break pretty easily.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
Ditto on the barrel tool. Do it now or later. In the meantime, know that snug is good. No need to overtorque the barrel nut. $1500 is a reasonable price, not too much but not a steal. It looks in great shape. I am confuse though about the supermag comment. You have a 44 mag. A Supermag is a 445. The case is 3/10ths in an inch longer than 44. Do you have both?

Dans Club

DWF Supporters
April 20, 2010

Welcome from PA, very nice looking .44 and barrels. +1 on what Steve said, buy a steel barrel tool from EWk Arms and save the plastic one.
In my opinion you paid toward the top end price wise, but realistically if a fellow were to buy all those pieces separately it would probably add up to more than that. The 4" and 10" .44 mag barrels can really bring a price on Ebay.
"The lion and the tiger may be more powerful, but the Wolf does not perform in the circus"
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