DWF Supporters
June 17, 2014

Hi Guys and Gals,
I'm Terry I have been a casual shooter for about 15 years, and I have always shot semiautos, but looking to start shooting revolvers soon.
My current collection has several CZ variants including a CZ75B SA highly tuned and currently getting an ACCU-bushing installed from CZ Custom.
I am joining the forum to learn from the clan about the intricacies of the Dan Wesson revolvers as this is what my extensive research has directed my decision toward.
Hopefully soon I will be joining the clan from a hands on perspective.
Terry Mc


DWF Supporters
October 11, 2009

DWF Supporters

Dans Club
February 16, 2014

Welcome from the AZ neighborhood. The folks at CZ Custom are great people. Glad to have you on the forum. Now you need to get a DW revolver or 1911, both are top of the line. Both put holes where you want them. You won't find any forum more eager to help you with a problem or answer a question. This forum, like DW firearms is on the top shelf. ENGAGE!

Dans Club
April 18, 2014

welcome from the Bluegrass... I promise you wont find a better revolver than Dan Wesson Arms.
Oath Keeper #021479 NRA #206814004
Member AAGSR Member AGA #83120600233
"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
Richard Henry Lee
American Statesman, 1788

DWF Supporters
June 17, 2014

Thanks guys for the warm welcome.
I am looking forward to learning from all of you.
I have been researching this for a little while now and from what I have read, I will be very happy with the DW revolver once I pick one up.
Now all I have to do is convince the wife that we need more guns around the house. Keep in mind that three of the existing ones are hers.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

DWF Supporters
June 17, 2014

rwsem said
Welcome. We'll be happy to help you spend your money- what caliber?
I am thinking 357 mag.
Love to do a 44 but ammo prices would prevent me from practicing like I normally do.
I will do 2 barrels, either with it or later date. I want a 4" or 6" with a heavy vent, and a 8" or 10" that I will mount a scope on.
The solution COULD be one for her and one for you. 357 and 44 ? Then you both will get DWAS and everything will be fine. Or one gun and a barrel for you and a barrel for her. If my wife likes it she says "This is mine now, get yourself another one" If you have the cash get a pistol pack right off and save yourself the yearning. I recommend a 44 with scope for hunting.

DWF Supporters
June 17, 2014

Hi guys,
You are all a bad influence.
This happened today.

YUP! ALL YOUR FAULT! At least that is what I told the wife. LOL
Seriously, I have been following a local sale on Gun Broker, and I went and looked at the gun last week. It was listed with a second cylinder but have come to the conclusion that I would not use a 6" and the 8" so I asked if they would split them up and sell the gun without the 6" cylinder (it was something that did not come with the gun when they got it, it came to them seperately from another source.)
I checked the cylinder play and looked it over pretty closely it generally looks pretty good.
Needs a refinish but that will come after I have shot it for a while.
measured the trigger break tonight, DA is right at 10 lbs. 4 oz. single action 4 lbs. 6 oz. clean break with no pretravel or overtravel. It feels tight, I have not shot it yet. Checked the cylinder throat no rings inside and the end of the cylinder does not have any rings around the throats. The forcing cone looks clean and no signs of flame cutting on anything. With what I had I was not able to check the cylinder timing on the barrel, but I think it is ok, we shall see. The star has crisp edges and does not look worn, and the same for the hand. Thank you for this forum as the information so far has given me much more to look at than I knew about before.
And the bottom line is $350 + tax so $380 out the door. I think it was a good deal, maybe not smoking deal but I have my start in the Dan Wesson fraternity. And I can build from here!
I was actually on the way to the range when I stopped today and made the buy, but my range had no 38 special or 357 mag so I just shot my CZ and went home. Maybe this weekend.
Oh yeah Ole Dog, this will be my part, and as you suggested I will make sure we get a nice 4" HV barrel for the wife so she does not feel left out!



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

DWF Supporters
June 17, 2014

Yes I found some ammo I stopped by Cabelas on the way home from the range yesterday and picked up some 38 specials so hopefully I will get to the range tomorrow to see if this gun will live up to its reputation.
The wife looked at it and said 357 now that is going to have a kick. I assured her that with the 38's that it will be less kick than she is use to with her 9mm CZ. Then we can work up to the 357 and then hotter loads. Maybe I should start with the hot 357's with her so she does not decide to take over this gun. LOL

DWF Supporters
June 17, 2014

Ole Dog said
Nice gun, real good price. You will never buy a gun of that quality for so few dollars again. Do the Average Joe tuneup with Wolff springs and the action will be even better. Even if you dont do much polishing, the cleaning and springs make a big difference.
Thanks Ole Dog,
I definitely will do the springs, and some polishing I have done the action job on 3 CZ's, a Ruger Mark 1, and my old Beretta Elite 1 (sold that one). So I am not afraid of polishing, I will leave the sear and hammer faces alone as the break is nice unlike a stock CZ. It is very enjoyable for me to work on the guns, to me it akin to making a nice street rod out of a junker. There is certain pride when you go to the range and let someone shoot your gun and they are amazed when you answer their question "who did the trigger" and your answer is "me"
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