May 8, 2016

Hi All,
I've been on here for a while now and it's time I come out of the woodwork. I joined this forum over a year ago (I believe) when I saw a DW revolver that intrigued me and I wanted to know more about it. I ended up buying it - a 15-2V4, I was to find out.
I really loved this revolver and for reasons I can't remember now (insanity, I guess), I ended up selling it. I've regretted it ever since. There have been 4 guns I regretted selling or trading and this was one of them. It bothered me long enough that when I was in one of our LGS' with my brother I spotted a Model 14 in the cabinet. I cursed them for having it as I started filling out the paperwork (wasn't supposed to buy any more guns this year!). In for a penny, in for a pound, as the saying goes... I bought a Model 15-2H today to join it. I should have that one later this week. I'm looking forward to it, as I really love the heavy lug revolvers. Both of these are 4 inches. I will hang onto them this time. No more regrets... (pics when I get the 15-2H).
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