August 3, 2009

I recently came back into possession of an old model 15-2 that I had bought back in the late 90's from a pawn shop for under $100 dollars. It is a blued Monsoon Mass manufactured gun. I am more interested in firearms now than I was when I last had it. It is shootable but I am thinking of doing some things to improve it as money comes available. I have been browsing this forum & figured I should go ahead & join. I am also a member of several other firearms boards-the best place to get information about a particular make & model of firearm seems to be the forum for that brand in my experience. This seems to be a really nice forum with a lot of good information readily available.


January 24, 2009

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Welcome Mike, We are finally starting to get some more Georgia boys here. Whereabouts you from? And I will start you off right and tell you our requirements.I figured I would do it before any one else did.
There is a great bunch of guys here and plenty of info to be had, so dive in and have a ball.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

August 3, 2009

I apologize for being slow to get back. About reacquiring the gun, I didn't sell it, the rear sight had become damaged while it was on loan to my Father & a friend had volunteered to take it to someone he knew to get it fixed. I let him take it against my better judgement. He took it to his business partners friend to get it fixed. Shortly after that my friend had a heart attack-open heart surgery etc. He left the business because he couldn't do the work anymore. Lost contact with his partner etc. It has taken 7 years for me to get it back. I let it go for a while because I just wasn't that concerned about it. But got to thinking about it & started working on him to get it back. I have been calling him pretty regularly pushing him to get it for the last 3 years.
As for the improvements - I purchased this Dan Wesson out of a pawn shop back in the late 90's for under 100 dollars. The finish was very rough but it worked. At the time I wasn't really very interested in handguns so I shot a box of cartridges through it & it rode in the truck for the next 4 or 5 years. I loaned it to my Dad when he was building a house in the North Georgia mountains because there were bear tracks in the sand where he was mixing mortar. He was 65 years old, hard of hearing, working alone much of the time & the homesite was back in the woods a long way from the road or any other home. If something got on him I wanted him to be able to get it off.
When I got it back the rear sight still wasn't fixed, I ordered a Millet one from Brownell's & installed it. Upon inspecting the barrel I realized it had a lot of lead built up in it so I have cleaned it a couple of hundred times or more & the bore looks almost decent now. The rifling looks good someone had just shot a lot of lead bullets without cleaning it. I read the revolver inspection sticky on this forum & after looking at my 15-2 I realize when holding it in lock up it allows a very slight amount of movement forward to back & side to side.
I am thinking I need to replace the ball that retains the cylinder ( might not be proper terminology). I am hoping this would make lock up tighter. I would also like to refinish it as the much of the finish is gone-there is one spot on the frame above the cylinder that is badly scratched. The original finish on the frame was plum, the cylinder & sideplate appear to have been black it think & the shroud looks blue. But it is in such bad shape it is hard to tell. I don't think I can restore the original finish so I was thinking about using a hot black glossy finish I saw at MidwayUSA. To do all this I will have to disassemble the gun so I am going to have to get a barrel wrench & gages (which I don't have). I also think if I'm going to do all this I should probably replace the springs while I have it apart. It may be a while before I have the funds available to buy everything I need to do this as my wife doesn't work & she is also on a home improvement kick right now. But when I get the funds I am going to do it. I just have to start putting a little back until I build up enough to get the parts.
Sorry for the long post if any of you have suggestions about making it lock up tighter or maybe a better option for refinishing please post them. I am sure ya'all are much more knowledgeable about these firearms than I am. This is my only centerfire revolver although I have an XD-40, a Ruger P-944(.40 caliber P-94) & a Kel Tec P-11. I'm beginning to wonder if I should sell the Kel Tec to help things along. Again sorry for the long post I usally read a lot more than I post.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

Hey Mike:
First let me say .
Next let me suggest 2 things
- Have Hotbluer (a member here) who was DW's bluer for a number of years. I suspect that he may do a top notch job and as I recall his ads on GA and GB, the price seems reasonable, in the upper $80's.
- A complete spring kit is available from DW for only $29.00.
- There are members here who may have an extra tool, if not, there are often (even as I write this) .357 tools available on eBay. They go for $40++
on your rstoration, and again, welcome.

August 3, 2009

Okay I finally managed to get a pic up. I was worried about it being too big. Kept trying to resize stuff at Photobucket-messing myself up. I think this is a 15-2 any info ya'all could give would be appreciated though. I had a hogue monogrip on it-but seemed to be stinging my hand some with magnums. I thought I'd try putting the wood grip that was on it when I first bought it back on. It seems a little wider might feel better. I still gotta shoot it & find out.
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