December 23, 2014

great site, although it took most of a week to figure out how to create a user account. On the home page selecting Log-n/Register only takes you to log-in. Took a while to stumble onto create account in the forum section.
But I'm in now, and I'm not complaining.
been shooting my one and only DW, a Mod 44VHN 8", in blue since 1983 or 84. gotta say it was always too purty to shoot a lot. But having just slugged my cylinders and barrel, I now realize this ole gun is perfect for blasting lead bullets through.

Dans Club
April 18, 2014

Glad you found it. Welcome aboard DWF.
Oath Keeper #021479 NRA #206814004
Member AAGSR Member AGA #83120600233
"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
Richard Henry Lee
American Statesman, 1788


DWF Supporters
October 11, 2009

Range Officer

Dans Club

Range Officers
July 2, 2011

Welcome aboard! I have had very good luck with cast lead boolits in my 715, 741 and 7445. There are some guys here with a ton of of reloading/cast experience, so ask away!
Love to see some of that ..44
To the paranoid people who check behind shower curtains for murderers:
if you find one...what's your plan?
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