May 30, 2017

I am a senior citizen who has enjoyed shooting revolvers and lever rifles my entire life (still do) but recently started shooting Sigs and found them accurate and 100% reliable after purchasing a Sig 9mm Legion (SAO)I was so impressed with the trigger ,build quality and accuracy I decided to see if there was something out there that might be better. I decided on Dan Wesson after doing a lot of researching. This week I picked up two DW's,9 mm Guardian and a 9mm Discretion. I cleaned the Guardian and fired 64 rounds with no malfunctions of any kind. It is a super smooth shooting gun and my accuracy was in line with the Sig Legion. With a little practice I fell certain it will be slightly more accurate. Recoil is more like my Colt/Walther 22 semi automatic. After one outing I will say as good as the Legion is the Guardian is better. This weekend I will shoot the Discretion and will give you my thoughts-- I am expecting exceptional accuracy



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

JayCro said
I am a senior citizen who has enjoyed shooting revolvers and lever rifles my entire life (still do) but recently started shooting Sigs and found them accurate and 100% reliable after purchasing a Sig 9mm Legion (SAO)I was so impressed with the trigger ,build quality and accuracy I decided to see if there was something out there that might be better. I decided on Dan Wesson after doing a lot of researching. This week I picked up two DW's,9 mm Guardian and a 9mm Discretion. I cleaned the Guardian and fired 64 rounds with no malfunctions of any kind. It is a super smooth shooting gun and my accuracy was in line with the Sig Legion. With a little practice I fell certain it will be slightly more accurate. Recoil is more like my Colt/Walther 22 semi automatic. After one outing I will say as good as the Legion is the Guardian is better. This weekend I will shoot the Discretion and will give you my thoughts-- I am expecting exceptional accuracy
Thanks for the introduction. We have a fair number of New Members that drive past New Members and start posting or demanding information.
Photos of your DW's would be interesting, we see lots of DW's, but we haven't seen yours.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

Welcome from PA! As stated, run them wet during the break in period and use the provided lube as it is of higher viscosity than Rem oil, Hoppes etc.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

February 22, 2017

rwsem said
Glad to have you on board. Run them wet through the break in period- that's where most folks go wrong and have problems.
+1 on running wet, just make sure you're wearing an old shirt.
I started the opposite, always owning semi-auto's until a few months ago, now I like to say I'm in the revolver phase of my life. I still like shooting semi's but I get the most satisfaction with a quality wheel gun.
Welcome to the forum and post some pics of those bad boys. If you need help posting pics, anyone on the forum would be glad to assist.
10 Dans and counting...