March 31, 2020

Evening everyone. I found this forum looking for info on my Monson built 709 vh6. The shroud says .38 special and the chambers are cut for .38's. The gun came with the usual tool and feeler gauge for setting the gap, but no box. It's listed on my pistol permit as a 738, but I know the 738 is the lil Dan and not the gun I have. It wears a patridge front sight and came with a Hogue monogrip, but now wears a Pachmayr Presentation grip. I paid $100 and traded in a S&W model 28 that was out of time for the 709, a blued 2.5" barrel and shroud that is stamped .357 Magnum. Pretty great deal since the Highway Patrolman was good for 4" at 25 yards gun and I've shot better than 4" at 100 yards off a rest with the 709. The gun also came with the usual tool and feeler gauge for setting the gap. It has a patridge front sight and came with a Hogue monogrip, but now wears a Pachmayr Presentation grip. This gun is much less picky about what ammo it's fed than my S&W model 14 SA. The one thing the gun doesn't seem to like is light bullets at standard velocities. Speed them up to +p velocities and the groups shrink right down. Heavier bullets all shoot good with old fashioned wadcutters and 158gr Keith style SWC's being mostly what gets used nowadays. I ran a box of the 110 gr JHP +P+ US Treasury load through it and I think the gun could exist on a steady diet of those and not wear out prematurely. It seems quite overbuilt for a .38 special, but I'm not complaining. I found this forum when I went looking for a scope mount for the 709. My eyes are getting bad and I wanted to mount a red dot or holosight style optic, but so far the mounts I've found are stunningly expensive. Well, that's enough rambling for now. Thanks for letting me join and good shooting



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Glad to have you on the DWF! Is your .38 SPC a stainless or blued revolver and does it have an adjustable rear sight? I ask because it's very common for DW model numbers to be incorrect due to not being stamped on the frame. A 709 is a rare bird indeed; 8-2 and 9-2 are more common in that chambering. I've been looking for a 708 or 709 for many, many years. Regards, Ron
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....

March 31, 2020

My gun is stainless with an adjustable rear sight. I was told it was a rare piece when I showed it to my uncle, who is a bit of a DW collector. It's the only 709 I've ever come across, though I have seen an 8-2 with a 4" standard shroud for sale in a local gunshop a couple years back that I regret not buying. Once I figure out how to post pictures on here I'll post a few of it



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

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