Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

I too posted prior to finding this topic column. I found this
forum while searching Dan Wesson photos and came across
IHMSA 80X80's awesome pics. My wife and children know
I am addicted to Dan Wesson's. As a child I watched
the then local IHMSA team knock down steel with the
then current and cool Dan Wesson's. I fell in love with those
revolvers long before I could own one. Now at the point a few
years ago I could persue the quest to collect the Supermag
series I began the journey. I have a special passion for the
414SM and enjoy the 375 as well. I hope to place some
pics as soon as I figure out how to do it. You guys have
a great Forum and I am glad to have joined such a club.
Thanks all,
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

December 17, 2008

That's a pretty terrific introduction - I think we're all finding that it happens in many different ways - but we all end up in the same place: loving some of the most innovative and versatile revolvers ever built. You have a great story there & this is a great place to share it!
So welcome Supermagfan!! It's good to have you aboard!!


January 24, 2009

Supermagfan, it's good to have you aboard! The more like minded folks we have around here, the more fun this place is. I haven't been here real long myself, but already it's one of my top two favorite sites.
This site is a little different in the way it will allow you to post pics. I'll go over to the "tips" thread & see if I can post a reasonable explanation for you.
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