DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008


January 24, 2009

May 17, 2010

Charger Fan said:
I'm a few miles south of you, in Eagle Mtn., not too many Utah members here so far….
to the
Do you currently own any DW's?
I am even further south…(a few thousand)
Welcome from the south!! We love pictures!!
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box
in that order.
4 Monson Model 15's
1 Palmer FB 15
1 Rossi 357 Model 92 (lever)
1 CZ 75B

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009


January 24, 2009

IHMSA80x80 said:
Maybe you can keep Charger Fan in line for us.
I'll have you know…I've been trying to self-police myself for a couple months now & really feel as though I've been making headway. If anyone feels differently, well, they can just contact my ADVISOR , for further matters.

January 27, 2011

Thanks for all the post.
I dont have a dan yet. That's how i found the forum. I found dan wesson for sale on my local classifieds and started doing some research on the gun and came across the D.W.S. (I missed out on that one ) l have been looking for not only a gun but a pistol pack ever since. I have found some but im not sure what a good price is?
. Any help would be great. some of the ones I'm looking at are.
(a pork chop model W12, .357 Magnum revolver set
in the original case and with the original papers. Comes with three
barrels, 2.5 inch, 4 inch, and a 6 inch barrel. Also comes with the
original case keys still sealed in an envelope, the takedown/barrel
changing tool and a clearance gauge. Comes with two grips and a block
of wood slotted to take the frame from which a custom grip could be
made. This revolver is new and unfired, however, it has been sitting in
a case for 27+ years so there is very light rust on the top of the
barrel.) he wants 7.50 for it?
(a model 15-2VH .357 in original case w/ pappers, keys, 4 barrels, 2.5, / 4, / 6, / 8, / bright blue finish, belt buckel, patch, barrel tool, clearance gauge, and he says it's at 95% picks look good?)
what do you think?
Charger Fan will be by shortly to give you some pricing on the W12 Pac but if you can get the model 15-2 VH Pac for $750 or less that would be a good deal. They normally run $800 up to $1000 or so on the Auction sites. Plus you have to factory in shipping and FFL transfer fees.


January 24, 2009

I agree with Jody's 15-2 PP price estimate. Overall condition will of course determine it's value.
The Porkchops are valued less in general than their later "-2" siblings, for the most part. I'm sure it's mostly due to the fact that they aren't quite as pleasing to the eye...sort of a face only a mother could love. Or in my case, an owner.
However once you own one, they can really grow on you.
Anyway, $750 for a complete W12 PP is pretty much top of the market, from what I've seen. The most I've seen one go for was $1866.00 a couple years ago, but that was a chance encounter. Most end up going for $600 ~ 750. If it's got some surface rust on it, that's gonna knock it's value...I would try to talk him down to the $550 range, myself.
Early ones came in a square case with two handles, later ones were in a more rounded black case with one handle & grey foam. This one's an early one...
The early 2-digit guns (presumably the first 99) were simply marked "12" on the frame. Serial numbers are stamped on the grip tang under the grip. They may have continued this style into the 3-digit s/n's, but I have yet to see one.
Later guns were marked "W12" on the frame. Serial number stamped on the frame under the crane, in front of the cylinder.
Personally, I would automatically value a 2-digit gun higher than the later ones, just because of the cool factor.

January 27, 2011

Thanks for the info guys. I appreaciate it.
If I end up getting that pork chop is there anything i can do about the rust ishew?
Charger Fan. The one I am looking at looks just like the PP pick you posted but not as nice. Seams like the only ishews with it is the rust and the foam is a little durty.


January 24, 2009

It depends on how much rust we're talking about. Mild rust can be made presentable with gun cleaner & some car wax. More extensive rust will require a re-bluing job, unless some of these other guys know a better solution that I'm unaware of.
Sure, we could probably meet up one of these days...work schedule permitting. I sure seem to do a lot of chasing these days...chasing the almighty buck!
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