December 14, 2015

Found this group while doing research on a DW .357 I picked up off Gunbroker a few months ago. Based on the research I've done here, it's a model 14-1. Maybe someone can confirm my determination or correct me if I'm wrong. It's seen a lot of use but has been taken care of pretty well. Looking forward being part of this informative group.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

First and foremost; Welcome! You are correct and that is a very clean looking piece of pork- thanks for posting the picture. I'm guessing cir.1975-75 and if I'm off, Steve will be along shortly to correct that guess. Regards, Ron
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....

DWF Supporters
February 25, 2014

Welcome to the forum. I have the same gun, about 3 thousand lower serial number (40 vs 43 thousand). Though mine was in serious need of internal cleaning when I got it, it is great now. Smooth trigger, and very accurate, a joy to shoot. You will find the people here very friendly and very helpful, great place to be.
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