November 20, 2014

Hey everyone, my name is Chance. Story time, i guess. I just finished paying off my first revolver last friday. Im here, because its a Dan, haha. Ive always wanted a revolver but have never purchased one. All i ever get to do is pick them up, look, ooh shiny, cant buy it, put it down. But i finally have one, and i love it.
So a couple months ago i went with some friends to a newish local gunstore, just to look around, and i see this Dan Wesson. Ive never heard of a Dan Wesson at this point. So i pick it up, and ive never held a revolver that feels better. Looking it over, confused as hell, im thinking what is this, some off brand smith and wesson copycat, a piece of crap, some really super awesome gun ive never heard of? I dont know, and the gun store owner only tells me what it says on the tag, that its a 714, and that its old. Lot of help there. So i put it down, but im thinking, i have to have this. For the next week, i research like a mad person. I find this site, i find pictures, i find videos. Nothing specific about my gun, which ill get to in a moment. But i do learn that there is an almost cult following of these guns, that they are rumored to be ridiculously accurate, built like tanks, the whole nine yards. Needless to say im sold. I walk in after that week, and put her on layaway. And a couple months later, here i am, still researching, gun in my lap, signing up for the forum because i cant stop touching this thing and i must know everything there is to know.
Which leads me to the questions. Yay for me, right? Id like to avoid sounding like a super newbie, but hell, i am so who cares. Ill put up some pictures that arent mine, but are actually of my gun, which has been on armslist. First of all, most common question, what the hell do i have? I cant quite pin the model. Its stainless/nickel, stamped Monson, serial 27352 with no model stamped. Its also porkchop, and fixed sights. Without trying to go into model specifics, ha ha, the gun store i bought it from said it was a 714, (but i think its nickel) and the armslist post i found said it was a model 15, (which have adjustable sights, right?) with a model 12 pork chop barrel, (what?) so, needless to say im confused as hell. If i can get that figured out, i know EWK has my barrel wrench, but where would i go for another barrel, just for future reference? Am i screwed because its a porkchop and have to find one on ebay or armslist? What do i do as far as holsters? I found one on Cheaper Than Dirt, but other than that all ive seen is non fitted crap that i wouldnt carry a stick in. And ive picked up tidbits, but any tips are greatly appreciated, like the cleaning guide on the forums, or somewhere i read that if the grip screw is too long you can bind up your mainspring. I think i might be having that problem just a little actually, i need to check it out better but i know my grip screw is "custom" and not too pretty.
Anyways, wall of text over, i hope you gentlemen can help me out a little and id like to thank you for being a wealth of information so far, and for reading my long ass post, if you do.

July 14, 2013

Welcome aboard! More will chime in with the correct info but your on the right track. I would hate to guess exactly what model it is as I'm also kind of a newbie to DW's. However I am learning fast and have acquired 4 more. You'll feel the itch of DWAS creep into your blood, too.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

My guess is 14-1 from 1973-74. Not possible for this to be stainless, it is likely nickel. With that S/N it is not a -2 with a porkchop barrel retrofitted. Grip is not original.
Beware with nickel guns that any cleaner that is a "copper cleaner/remover" can damage the finish. Nickel is/was often plated onto a copper base, and if a copper cleaner infiltrates under the nickel and gets to the copper layer, the finish may start peeling off.
If you want to clean up the finish, try working very lightly a very fine polishing compound. The operative words here are VERY LIGHTLY! Consider using a gun wax to preserve the finish.
Nice looking gun, Welcome to DWF
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

Indeed a nice find. Congrats. I felt the same way with my first Dan and it hasn't changed a bit since. Try backing out the grip screw a few turns and see if that helps your issue. If so, then problem solved. You can order screws or go to the hardware store and get a shorter allen head screw of the right thread (cheaper). Clean it good inside & out then shoot it - a lot - cause you won't want to stop.
will happen - Resistance is Futile!

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

Check this thread for screw sizes:

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Please remember that on a DW, the grip screw is there to (pretty much) keep the grip from falling off the gun. There is a lot of grip contact on the tang and backing off a grip screw a turn or two should not be an issue.
And since this is a Pachmayr Presentation grip, the hard rubber holds on especially well, I have had Pachy grips that actually required a lot of work to remove, even with the grip screw removed.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

November 20, 2014

Wow thanks for the welcome everyone, i dont know what DWAS means but i probably have it. Haha
For now my best guess was a 14 or 14-1 from 71-74, due to various things, so thanks for a bit of verification Steve.
Im 100% on the nickel too, its quite shiny and nice except for the slight, i dont know what to call it, almost pitting but not quite on the left side behind the cylinder. Hopefully i can perhaps polish that lightly and make it go away, if not oh well.
The grip screw doesnt seem to make much of a difference even if i take it out of the gun completely, so i do need to get a new one if for no reason other than to make myself feel better. And im fairly sure that the gun hasnt been taken apart and cleaned since about 1970, lol, so im going to have a gunsmith friend go to work on it. Any recommendations other than follow the guide here on the forums and dont let Hoppes #9 eat my finish? Thanks guys, much appreciated
Steve clued you in on the care of nickel. No strong chemicals. Snake-eye explained the grip screw. Look for shrouds on ebay. Nickel porkchops show up occassionally but bid like you really want it. The scratches on the left side behind the cylinder are probably from the cylinder closing while ejecting cartridges. Almost all dans develope them before the owner learns to keep the gun tilted to the left when ejecting . Also keep your fingers pushing the cylinder with your left hand to prevent closing while the ejector is deployed. You have a very nice model 14 in nickel. It is a great first dan. That is what DWAS means. Dan Wesson Acquisition Syndrome. The compulsion to buy more dans, barrels, grips etc. You seem to have it already. Your experience with seeing one and becoming preoccupied is how most of us started. Now you need a 15-2 so you can accessorize easier. Oh, I would get a wood grip that is appropriate to the time period of your model 14. Their were smooth and checkered target grips , Sacremento and Michigan grips in the begining. Also the slender service grips that are like S+W grips of old. I would only use the rubber grip when you go shooting as moisture gets trapped under them and rust is very common underneath the grip. Oil the Pachmyer grip inside for easier removal. BTW, ebay is a good source for original dan grip screws and parts. Get a barrel wrench too as soon as you can and read the Average Joe Tuneup. You do not need a gunsmith . If you want to know ANYTHING, just ask us.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Once you have DWAS (Dan Wesson Acquisition Syndrome) it rarely goes away.
Good news is, you will continue to buy some pretty great revolvers
Bad news is, well, I guess there is no bad news
Welcome to DWF, keep asking questions. Members who are smarter than me (which is most of them) will help out with answers
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

November 20, 2014

Thanks Ole Dog, any info i can scrounge makes me hella happy. Im planning on making a grip when i have some spare time, or when i get around to it, or someday... whichever. I was doing some digging yesterday, does anyone know whether the internals are supposed to be nickel as well? Ive seen nickel guns with blued internals, from what i can see not having taken the sideplate off yet mine are nickel. Ive read the internals are also some sort of soft metal that doesnt like being polished too much. So im a bit confused.
I am not sure but... I think the internals and hammer and trigger are blue on a factory nickel. If yours are nickel it may be aftermarket. If all "nickel" it may be hard chrome but I see some marks on the sideplate that would mean nickel. The Average Joe Tuneup will instruct you on how far to go with polishing. In a nutshell, very little. Make smooth and remove no metal.The model 14 had MIM parts I believe and the hardening is only on the very outside. A well used dan polishes itself where there is friction. The sideplate and frame are where you can do vigorous smoothing but not slick like glass. The best thing you can do is put in a set of Wolff reduced power springs. Use the 8lb. Mainspring. IMHO , the Wolff trigger return spring makes the most difference and reduces the scratchy sound of the action.Have fun with your gun and your next ones.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club
February 16, 2014

That’s a great looking gun. Has that shinny object appeal that I can’t resist. Here’s a pic of my nickel 14. I just put together the 2” BA. I found the shroud on eBay and Mr Maxwell “Arlen” Silver hooked me up with the barrel. It makes a cool snubby. Now I’m on the prowl for a 6” BA. Watch ebay. I have seen two 2” in the past year. Not often but they do show up, if the seller isn’t asking an arm and a leg and everything in between. I’ll bet Steve is correct (he usually is) on the model, being a 14-1. Mine has the model # marked just above the serial number. Maybe they removed that as part of the -1 mods. Mine also has a black trigger and hammer. Welcome to a great forum and good luck on your hunt for more accessories. That is one of the great attractions of the DW, the “quick shift” accessories. And, yes, I'm also missing a medallion, anybody out there got a stray? It's that small one with the big W.


DWF Supporters
October 14, 2010

November 20, 2014

Hot damn ParaNormal, yours is a looker too. I would also love a 6 inch barrel. And as with everything, comparing leads to more questions lol. Im about to post pics of tearing mine down, and in the process, i found that the only blued bits on my gun are the hand, the mainspring strut, and the crane parts that rotate.Everything else is nickel. Also, your gun has a dovetail rear sight. Mine doesnt. So technically, isnt yours more advanced than mine? haha i love all this figuring stuff out. Off to find pics.

November 20, 2014

Ok, so a couple days ago, i remembered that i am a machinist, and made myself a barrel tool out of a socket so i could take apart my gun. Easy peasy. Pics incoming, i know you all like pics. Someone tell me why some parts are blued and some arent. please.
I followed the average joe tuneup on disassembly, mostly, my gun has a couple less parts than a 15.
Arright first off, my homemade barrel tool, not pretty at all, but functional. Its a 1/4 drive 1/2 in socket that i massaged with a dremel and a hammer, for reference.
Next up, the extreme amount of tools required to disassemble a Dan Wesson. Minus cleaning products. Hahaha. The brass is a 0.003" shim that i had in my machinist toolbox, for setting barrel gap.
Step one, remove grip, my lame grip screw is a flat, havent got a new one yet.
Step two, barrel nut, shroud, and barrel.
Step 3, crane and cylinder, and i also took apart the extractor screw/star.
Step 4, sideplate. Had to tappy tap with the handle of the screwdriver to get it off. Pretty dirty in there.
Closeup of internal bits for reference.
Step 5, the hand. a little shiny and worn on the side you can see, not a scratch on the side you cant.
Step 5, unhook trigger return spring.
Step 6, take out trigger and transfer bar/spring.
extra pic, i think i was checking if flash helped.
Step 7, cylinder stop.
Step 8, locking down the mainspring.
Step 9, which i forgot to photo i guess, remove hammer and trigger return spring. Step 10, curse at then remove mainspring. Silly thing tried to fly across the room, i was having none of that.
First pic of crane, showing bluing wear?
Second pic of crane.
Mainspring strut also has wear.
And hand.
Forgot a pic of the front of the frame where the barrel goes, its very black with residue that didnt come off, just like the face of the cylinder. Im guessing this back here by the ball is from primers.
And magically, with no work whatsoever, the gun is clean and ready to be lubed and put back together. lol. Actually what i ended up doing was cleaning, polishing the sideplate just a little, and the tiniest bit on the hand, trigger, and hammer. After that i lubed it all up, cursed at the mainspring again, set my barrel gap, and proceeded to not go shoot it. Im ashamed of myself. I will shoot it soon. The action is definitely a bit nicer, but judging from the wear, or lack of, either i have a gun that has never been shot, not likely, or everything fits pretty much as good as its going to fit and all i can do now is play with springs. Which i may or may not get around to. After i find time to shoot. Argh Thanksgiving. Anyways, enjoy boys

November 27, 2014

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

Great pics and description on the teardown. Your machinest skills served you well. Gun looks sharp and should run much better now that it's been well cleaned. Give us a range report when you can.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

November 20, 2014

well boys, i shot it finally, if 6 rounds before duck hunting because i forgot my ammo can be considered shooting lol. i also didnt have anything more than a railroad tie fence post at 20 yards to shoot at, but ill be damned if all 6 didnt land on it, at varying heights of course. im fairly impressed, considering the last time i shot a revolver was years ago and it was a .22. i shot a couple rounds SA and a couple DA, and 2 using only one hand. of course the gun was flawless. i cant wait to shoot the rest of the box. the only reason im kicking myself now is dammit i really want a 6 inch barrel which i will probably never find. im half tempted to look for a trade. anyways, have a good one gents
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