March 23, 2020

Hi, I’m a long time lurker here and I figured it would be a good time to sign up.
My name is Matt and I own 7 Dan Wesson revolvers. My collecting interests were primarily pre-lock S&W for a few years until I realized there were other and in some ways better offerings out there. The problem is nice Dan Wessons are hard to find, they certainly don’t turn up as often as some other brands I own. This scarcity always has me with my eyes peeled. Here’s what I have so far and I will work on adding pics to my post
Two model 15-2s. Both Monson, one has a very nice 8 inch heavy shroud, the other has a 2.5” vented non heavy shroud.
A newer CZ era blem 715 with a 6 inch vent heavy. I bought this gun lightly used with a nice chunk of cash knocked off but I did not know it was a blemish gun and I found out later the barrel had tooling marks in the rifling. I bought another 6” barrel from CZ for around $90.
Here are the marks in the original barrel
Then I have 2 super mags. A palmer 740 and a Monson 375. Both vented slotted 8 inch shrouds.
Lastly I have 2 Palmer era fixed barrel guns. A 714 2.5 inch and a 15 3 inch. When I found the 714 at a fire hall gun show I knew it was unusual. Not only did I not know there was a fixed sight stainless 357 but I had never seen or heard of a fixed barrel.
Honorable mention - I also have a 15 inch vent heavy barrel and shroud for a 15-2.
That is all for now, I hope to be a valuable member to the forum and I definitely have some questions I’ll be making posts about. Thank you

Dans Club
December 5, 2008



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February 22, 2009

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Dans Club
December 4, 2011

March 23, 2020

Thanks for the welcomes everyone!
Ole Dog, actually the 715 was not blemished because of the barrel. Once I started researching it I found that DW included a blem sheet tucked away in the case with every revolver. Luckily it was still there. This one was marked as such because of the sideplate fit.
Honeslty I have to wonder if the original owner even knew the barrel was damaged. I happened to meet him in the gun store a little while after I purchased it. I didn’t mention anything barrel related but I paid attention to how he reacted when I talked about the gun and how I’ve wanted one. I couldn’t really pick up on any dissatisfaction he had, it sounded like he just wanted the trade in money.
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