October 13, 2009

Well, you may already know me! I sell the wrenches I make for the Dan Wessons that have the interchangeable pilots on Gunbroker...several guys said I should register on here, so I've finally got around to it!
Now the part as why I am a Dan fanatic...this is interestering since its not typical, I'll try to keep it short. I've got a machine shop (just a one man show) and I also live in a former elementary school building...If you're not familar with Dan Wesson's Monson location, it also was in an old school, so I think that similarity there is kind of cool! It started with a Monson .357 I found on Gunbroker, before I knew what a Dan Wesson was...had a huge gap so I needed a wrench, when I saw what was available I made my own and started selling them. I've just got the wrenches on Gunbroker, but its the tip of the iceberg of what's in the works...I've got a box of 1500 main springs sitting here in the office...awaiting getting the rest of them done. How many springs would one sell in a year-maybe 5 or so? Anyway, I got a 300 year supply of 'em awaiting here. 😀 Working on getting an really cool wrench done that's gonna have some awesome features. Then there's the idea to make barrels and shrouds, especially the hard to find ones. Going out and dropping yet more $$$ in buying a gundrill...came with a 150 gallon oil reservoir...anyone have any idea how much it costs to fill it...I do! Yikes! Then a rifling machine for doing the barrels, just got a quote for one for $175,000...yes, they do still make them here in America!
Anyway, that's a bit about me! Hopefully I'll be able to find stuff here in chime in on!
Thanks guys!

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Dans Club
May 17, 2009

Hello EWK. I'm glad you joined since I know your are a man of great character as you replaced my broken insert on the wrench I purchased and sent another wrench with it. A hearty Thanks again! . Your story is great and I look forward to a rewarding exchange in the future.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

Eric to the great and powerful
. We are glad you stopped by and joined us. This is a great and informative place to hang out with all of us afflicted with
. I like your story and how you got into making wrenches. I believe I saw your ads a time or two. Do you have a 357SM wrench kit? All my plastic original ones are broken.
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

Well Eric, welcome to the home for Dan Wesson fanatics. Unfortunately the only really satisfying remedy for our fanaticism is DWAS and it's expensive.
Now if we can just convince you to by a machine for roll-marking so we can have original-style shrouds, that would be fantastic. No presure though.
Again, we welcome you.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

I have one of your wrenches, and I look forward to your innovative ideas for the DW Band of Brothers. We want cool stuff for our babies.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin


January 24, 2009

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

October 13, 2009

Wow, thanks for the welcome guys, I really appreciate it! I'm very much enjoying my time here, this forum is awesome!!! 😀
Shoot, Will do! Planning on that being one of the first barrel shround combo's...I want one bad for my D.W.
Hey Ed, I'm remember ya'! Good to hear from ya! Was a pleasure working with you too!
Supermagfan, I should have what you need, feel free to e-mail/PM and I'll try to help!
I know Mike, you're right on the cure for the fanaticism is to buy more...which in turn makes it worse yet. Its a vicious cycle...but hey, at least its very enjoyable! 😀 I hear you, I've been looking for a rollmarking machine. I passed on one for about $150 cause I didn't want to make the trip back for it. Well, ended up I had to make the trip back anyway...
Steve, Thanks! That is a great post and has got me fired up even more-I'll sure try! 😀
Charger Fan, I sure hope have these ideas turned into actual objects we can add to our collections, of course if I don't run out of money first! The springs are interesting, I was figuring on getting about 100 of each made, but my friends that are doing them ran that many to make sure I had enough. 😀 Its amazing how many springs the Dan's have in them!
Thanks guys, I appreciate each and every one of your welcome posts!!!

October 13, 2009

Really???!!! Wow, I appreciate that! You know how it goes-some people join up on forums only interesting in selling stuff and don't care much about the stuff they are selling, plus they have nothing to add to the discussion... I'm not planning on being one of them, hopefully I'll be able to add to the discussion! I'll be happy to give you guys a better price since I wouldn't have to be paying the GB fees...unfortunately, it can't be a huge discount since I don't make much on them to start with, but hey, every little bit helps! 😀
Yes, shoot me a PM or e-mail, and I'll be happy to get you fixed up!

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

October 13, 2009

Thanks Photo!
To add to the fanatic evidence, I was helping my cousin who is 16 with his computer last night. While we waiting for a file to download I suggested we go on GB and look at the wrenches since he hasn't seen them. After that, I said we should go look for some Dan's on GB. Astonished, he was saying like why is it all Dan Wesson? 😀
The second or third gun my cousin ever fired in his life was my .357 Dan. He did great with it!

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

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