June 4, 2011

Just joined the Dan Wesson club. Something tells me, I'm in good company. This is my second hand gun purchase and first revolver. I spent a lot of time looking at a lot of revolvers and a Dan 15 just caught my eye. Read about them on line and the more I learned, the more I knew I wanted one.
I'm very lucky to live near a great used / new gun shop and so I figured I'd stop in for just a look-see. There were two model 15s in the display case, I think one had a 6 " the other, a 4" , vented barrels with no case, nothing else with them. Craig, my salesman stated they had a bunch, but he didn't know where the rest went.. must have sold them all..
"Do you have any pistol packs?" " Let me check." says Craig as he disappears behind a door into the back room. I paced around the floor as I waited. This place is awesome.. There must be 5000 or so firearms in here floor to ceiling with everything a man could want in every flavor.
Craig re- apeears and says let me check one more place... I follow him to the other side of the store. He plops this up on the counter.
I grabbed the tag, which was upside down.. 750.00
Hmmmm OK! (lapsed time .0001 seconds)..
I am enduring the old three day torture, I mean waiting period. Next Thursday I can go pick it up.
I think all I need is an owners manual and some ammo & a little time to get to know this piece, then can't wait to get to the range.
Not sure if my pic uploaded but will check to make sure. Looking forward to becoming a regular member.
Of course, I am curious to hear others opinions about the price, condition etc..
Mainly I'm very happy with the decision I made. Glad I waited and didn't fall for some reflective over priced name brand. As far as I can tell, this is the best there is for the money..just my style.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

June 4, 2011

Thank you LB. I would like any words of wisdom as far as you know, the ins and outs of proper set up and so forth. I'm not afraid to ask questions, and always open for advice. I would hate to make a stupid mistake in so far as having something get damaged as a result of my inexperience with revolvers.
I intend to shoot this one and want to get to be a good shot, my dad was very accurate in the few times I saw him with his luger looking pistol shooting tin cans at the sand dunes.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

deluxacman said:
Thank you LB. I would like any words of wisdom as far as you know, the ins and outs of proper set up and so forth. I'm not afraid to ask questions, and always open for advice. I would hate to make a stupid mistake in so far as having something get damaged as a result of my inexperience with revolvers.
I intend to shoot this one and want to get to be a good shot, my dad was very accurate in the few times I saw him with his luger looking pistol shooting tin cans at the sand dunes.
1) Clean it good, including a quick look inside the sideplate. A good first step:
2) If you want to go a little deeper into your DW, check this out:
3) Set your barrel gap, making sure to check all 6 chambers, DW cylinder cylinder fronts are frequently not true/square. Gap to .006" on the tightest chamber to start, with experience you can bring that in to as little as .002"
4) Shoot and enjoy!
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

June 4, 2011

Hey Steve, I just went through both of those threads, great advice. I knew I was in good company. I will do the complete cleaning first, then off to the range. I probably will try the trigger/spring work as well. Who knows mabey someone already did a trigger job on it
Anyway Thank you for all the info.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

On wrenches use the Flat one as the plastics will give up and crack on you, just put it away. EWK sells new better than factory Wrenches that are a must. The flat wrenchs work ok though some times if nut is in to deep you may damage the shroud. Check his site out he has some great stuff. LB sells some great hand made grips to your specs too! Both are on here often. Nice score on the Dan years of shooting enjoyment you have there.

June 4, 2011

Good morning DWA, I took your advice and ordered my wrench from EWK.
Stayed up way to late last night looking at this site! You all have done a fabulous job here. Thank you again.
Oh yeah, I stumbled onto the barrel type page and now I think my pak has the heavy non vented type of shroud.
Sort of have to admit that I did not know all the diffrent versions at the time of purchase. Just had my eyes glaze over with
The waiting period is tough. I may have to go back and ask Craig to haul out my pak so I can ogle it properly

Dans Club

DWF Supporters
April 20, 2010

Congratulations that looks like a very nice pac and you got a heck of a deal too.
Your right it looks like non vented heavy barrels, which I think are a bit more unusual, they don't show up very often you usually see vented ones more often. And looks like an extra non heavy 8" shroud that is mounted on the gun.
Definitely you did well on that one, looking forward to more pics after you get it home.
"The lion and the tiger may be more powerful, but the Wolf does not perform in the circus"
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