June 1, 2013

Hello, I am a new member to the forum and would like to know if anyone can give me some info on the DW I just purchased, It is a boxed set in polished nickel (Chrome?) 357 Mag. It came with 2.5, 4, 6, and 8" barrels and tools along with a belt buckle and lock.
Any Ideas what year this might be? It says Monson and S/N 909XX
I got it from an old collector that is liquidating his collection and the condition of the gun and price were too good to pass up
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Welcome to the Forum, 909xx is a 1979 gun. Nickel finish may possibly be factory original, but the lock is definitely not. There should be a barrel wrench and several additional front sight inserts as part of a Pistol Pack. The Pachmayr Presentation grip is also not original, the diamond checkered grip probably is, but there would have been a second wood grip as part of the original Pack
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Dans Club

DWF Supporters
April 20, 2010

Very nice pac you got, I would have been falling all over myself running to buy that one! Yes the gap gauge should be .006", your gauge does not look original. I am sure you can get a correct one on Ebay sometime. And the nickel plated wrench leads me to believe your pac may have not been originally nickel, maybe someone had it plated later. I really doubt the wrench would have been nickel plated at the factory and other photos i have seen of factory guns still have blued triggers and hammers.
Original or not you have a great pac, in three years I think I have only seen one other 15-2 nickel pac.
"The lion and the tiger may be more powerful, but the Wolf does not perform in the circus"
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