December 9, 2018

Greetings! My late father bought an early 15-2 H pistol pack in about 1974 or so. It came with the early style bushing wrench and soft bushing which immediately got jammed up and had to be removed by a gunsmith. Dad called the factory and through random chance got DW himself on the line... he promptly sent Dad one of the new T-style wrenches, a couple of replacement barrel bushings and some other plunder (patches, etc.) at no charge. Dad was impressed!
My father was an accumulator but never did much actual shooting, so the gun and parts languished in the safe until about a year before his passing, at which time he gifted it to my youngest brother who is an enthusiastic shooter. Glenn is experiencing sight problems... the original DW-produced sight is very sloppy and has to be moved all the way to the right in order to get on target. I haven't shot with him, but he is convinced that he needs one of the later production (Millett??) sights to replace the one he has. Although I did a quick site search, I didn't turn up any immediate results. Does anyone know where I should tell him to look?
Thanks in advance and I'll stop by to see what advice shows up.

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

Welcome to the Forum Froggie!
The Millet sights are a good choice. They are fairly costly - generally more than $50. They are after-market, not Dan Wesson factory installed. Your brother can also buy a new replacement rear sight for the Ruger GP 100. Brownell's sells them for about $16 plus shipping. The Millets do appear on eBay and GunBroker once in a while.
Replacement factory sights are also available on eBay and GunBroker, but may not be in better shape than the one he has.
Another possibility is to call the Dan Wesson factory. They still make the 715 and the sight should fit the older model. I don't know how much they will want for it. Be sure to call Dan Wesson and not CZ. The folks at CZ will not be able to help you.
Your description of the problem makes me wonder if there is something else going on. A loose barrel shroud or front sight could create similar problems. I have also seen rear sights that were damaged, probably from dropping the gun on the sight.
It sounds like a nice pistol pac and accessories. We would love to see some photos!

December 9, 2018

Thanks for the responses (and the warm welcome.) Upon close examination, it appears that the hole through the front of the sight (for the cross pin) is larger than it needs to be so the sight can swivel back and forth in its channel... brother estimates a 1/16", but I sincerely doubt it's more than a few thousandths. Regardless, it's excessive. There is also the matter of the blade having to be adjusted all the way to the right to be on target... not sure what is going on there, and i'll need to get more involved personally to really know much more. If I can dig out the belt buckle, wherever Dad stashed it, the Pistol Pac will be complete once more and I'll try to get a photo to post. Until then, it's the dark grey/black briefcase style with the grey fitted foam interior... no cloth liner from the beginning.
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