March 22, 2016

Been a D/W owner since 1978, and have collected a few since that time....
Never came to this site before tho, and found it by accident while trying to price/sell a sweet pristine 7445vh6 Locally, and to glean some information on parts I can't get anymore.
Hope to hang around a bit now, and explore some, and maybe sell off the only D/W I am willing to part with, and frankly wouldn't part with if I wasn't soo dangerously strapped for cash..
Have been developing 445 loads since I purchased my first one, and IHMSA Blued slotted 8" er, back in the late 80's, with a very low IHMSA serial number...
as a rough guestimate, i'm thinking between all my DW's I've pumped about 30k slugs downrange...
I'm open to sharing any of the load data I worked up over the years also, for the .357, .44M, and .445 SM...
Luckily, all but the one I'm trying to sell are Monson's,

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

Glad to have you here. Amazing you didn't find us before, but better late than never. Nice collection of Dan's you have there. Like that IHMSA serial numbered one. That is a lot of rounds down range for sure. Thanks for sharing with us.
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

March 22, 2016

Supermagfan said
Glad to have you here. Amazing you didn't find us before, but better late than never. Nice collection of Dan's you have there. Like that IHMSA serial numbered one. That is a lot of rounds down range for sure. Thanks for sharing with us.
thanks, those are the ones I decided to share, more like my stable of mutants... there are others... Hidden..i.e., not for sale, or for touching...
the ss.445 is wearing the bbl from my IHMSA s/m, just so it's shootable, but I didnt shoot it... hehehehhe, just protecting the shroud. I installed some protective gun tape many years ago, and just removed it.. And the IHMSA .445 is wearing an old ported bbl from a .44 blued tool, Just switched back last night, and these photos are older..
the 2 .357's, from Monson, were shot extensively, both with 4, 6, and as sold 8" bbls, those were my favorites, and I can easily say, you will never find a smoother triggerpull... no spring changes, not needed, you guys know that once the flash plated surface is worn off the internal trigger ridge, and it's buffed glass smooth, it don't get better...
The .44VH, has been my favorite from day one, picked it up mid/early '80's when I bought one of the .357's above, and also smooth as glass, many hours and many rounds in comp with guys with .45 wad guns, shootin' bowling pins, paid for that popper.. now I have it sitting with a 4"ss ported bbl, and use it for my ccw/property strolling piece...
so, as I have been non working for 18 months due to a boss that hosed me, and thinking about ways to make my rent.. other than using these at a 7-11, I went to the basement, and began swapping barrels, and parts, to get these all back to original configuration.. p.i.t.a., I'll say, because the way I did swap bbl's and shrouds, and with those had to swap ejectors... sheesh.. all good now.
7445 is gonna go to a good home, hopefully.. I might even toss in 1 box of hand script inscribed IHMSA loaded cases... maybe... hell, I think the original script labeled boxes of IHMSA brass are damned near what I paid for my first .445 now..



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

March 22, 2016

a couple years ago... well, more than a couple...
went on a rally ride, and was invited to shoot at a range with a bunch of Glok home defensive shooters... didn't win the match, but did show up a bunch of them, 18 rd mags? hell, I got speed loaders... lets play
(oh, i will say I am not currently a fat boy as I was back then.. a few years ago... i feel ashamed seeing these pics... and no my hair aint long anymore), but that isn't a measure of my skillset... hell, we all had long hair... at some point...
after the shoot, and scores were posted, a lot of guys wanted to shoot the .44VH6 w/ SS bbl, and they were surprised of it's ability to get back on target doing dbl action slammin... I put that gun together the night before the match, in the hotel room, and never fired it prior to the match.
ready... start
lotta fun.
as I say again, I'm not the same FF in the photo's, I'm @200# NOW, VS 260 THEN... EWWWWWW, and now have old man short hair, after 40 years of being a malcontent..
I have shot the VH615 in many matches, and always did well, the .44 I always excelled during major caliber comps..
I have read a bunch of drivel lately by non DW owners, reflecting upon the DW, and even going so far as stating it was a "real difficult thing to deal with the reduced trigger pull/lock time".. in comps.. really? man, I may be old, but that aint' a bad thang.
rock on fellows, feel free to p/m me on Loads for .445, .44, and .357 in 8" bbls
oh, and please give me hookups for where I can pickup AA1680, currently, as I had to dump like 40# of various powders during my move back to Ohio 4 years ago.. that reallllly hurt.
so get loading....

March 22, 2016

Klamtucky said
Great Dead shirt. I like you already. Welcome
when I lived in Richmond, and went to watch Nascar, I got a lot of "Hey, Jerry...He's NOT Dead..." kudos...
glad to be back in Ohio..
gotta add when I did that informal comp, down in Natural Bridge w. Va., i did bust a bunch of bubbles on those Glok dudes,
they were calling me Jerry also, but when it was over, I referred to all of them as" Jerry's KIDS'" and told them to holster their weapons, and forget about having 6 mags on a belt... we did a walk thru after, with a 6 round limit... one hit, each popper, or target...
lets just say, i had no challengers, or competition.. end result on perf cardboard targs,
me 35 out of 36 on X
best opposer, .... 11 out of 36, in the X (IPSC Perf section)
actually a couple folks shot 2 shots, just out of habit( .44 shooters don't do that.. we shoot, look, and then light a smoke..)
and even they only scored 20 out of 36.
somewhere quantity of hits seams to overwhelm the one shot thing, especially when the first stage they had in THEIR comp was 4 targets, from a seated position (like a desk) both right hand, and left hand, 2 shots to body' one shot to head, closest to nearest....and penalties assessed for violating that progression.
Ok, this ain't hard.. but man, how much ammo and reloading, was the deciding factor.
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