November 15, 2013

always liked the Dan Wessons [when I was younger a friend had one] and I used my dads Smith&Wesson 66-2 and we would get free 38+ P rounds from my moms boss [a state police officer] that's where the Smith came from, I still have it has WV State Seal and his unit # on it] we would shoot a lot every weekend at my friends farm....
fast forward, I recently traded for a Dan Wesson snub nose [2-1/2"] service model, its been well used and supposedly refinished, looks nice enough, but I am wanting to use it more for target shooting than carry, so I would like to get a longer ie: 8" barrel and a more substantial hand grip.
looking over the model ident page, and some fast forum reading, I still want to ask if the barrels all interchange? I plan on getting a EKW EH barrel if it will fit, and
I also wonder if it could be possibly sent back to the factory[I know its not the same factory] and the adjustable site of the target model added?
I read a post that said the 14-2 models were harder to find barrels for? so I am now unsure of what I need......
so I guess my first question is really, will the aftermarket EKW barrels fit a service model?
my current 2-1/2" shroud is marked 357 MAGNUM CTG.
thanks again for any information
doug hunt
ps sorry about the large pic, I could not get it to resize before I uploaded it
Moderator Note-Photos resized-Steve
Welcome to the forum Doug. The forum is slow tonight. Hard to answer but I'll try. Looks like a black cerakote aftermarket finish. 14.2 barrels are harder to find and they won't match the finish.15-2 and EWK EH barrels will fit but you will need a conversion sight from EWK. I do not know if CZ/DW or a gunsmith can fit adjustable sights but I persomally would enjoy your gun as is. It will make a great nightstand, tackle box , plinking, glovebox, or ccw gun. New grips are easy.Try Ebay or Hogue . My advice would be to look on Gunbroker for a 715 or 15-2 with an eight inch barrel for target shooting. I forgot to ask, how does it shoot. If it is reasonably accurate you have a winner.

Dans Club

DWF Supporters
April 20, 2010

Welcome to the forum from PA. Like Ole Dog said, you can use barrels and shrouds from a 15-2, EWK Arms sells conversion sights since the 14-2 front sights are shorter. Just order the conversion sight when you order the EH barrrel. Not sure about getting the frame milled for adjustable sight, around here we find it much easier to buy yet another Dan Wesson
"The lion and the tiger may be more powerful, but the Wolf does not perform in the circus"

June 25, 2013

The top of the strap on a 14-2 is rounded all the way to the hammer. The 15-2 is flat where the rear site is cut in.
Keep it as is the 14-2 has a nice feel to it when you handle it like a pocket revolver. Even though your gonna need big pockets.
Endeavor to persevere,
Press on regardless.
Need little, want less, love more.

January 22, 2008

Welcome stingray, from the Southeast (SC). Congratulations on you recent pick-up, that model would be an excellent cc partner.
…he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36 Life in a Jar: The Irena Sendler Project http://www.irenasendler.com/
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