January 28, 2024

I have admired Dan Wesson revolvers ever since I first discovered them in the 1980's. Several decades passed before I purchased my first hand gun a few years ago. My desire for an old school revolver intensified the more I practiced with my semi-automatic pistols. Recently, I began to research Dan Wesson so I understood the DW pistol ads online and the occasional DW I might see at local gun shows.
Just last weekend there was a gun and knife show nearby so I stopped in to browse. About mid-way through the tables I saw it - a shiny blued Dan Wesson revolver with a 4 inch barrel. I looked a little closer and saw it was a .22 caliber model (not a deal breaker for me). After a careful inspection I decided it was worthy of purchase. The dealer was selling it for a friend, so he phoned the owner while I browsed the rest of the show. (The seller was initially unreachable.)
Less than an hour later I returned to the dealer's table - coincidentally just as the owner called back. There was a little negotiation on the asking price and a deal was struck. A nearby FFL assisted in the transfer and the heavy blued pistol came home with me.
I know - pics or it didn't happen. Ha ha.

Dans Club
February 24, 2013

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

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