September 15, 2016

Greetings and salutations.
Very happy new owner of a 14-2 that is in really good shape out of the Monson shop, the serial number looks to fall in the 85/86 range. I got it for an amazing price. Pachmeyer grip, and the feel and function of the trigger makes me think someone spent some time inside it. Very smooth. It is heavy in DA, but, it sure beats the hell out of my Taurus.
Plans are to get a barrel assembly for target shooting scoped, with an eye towards IHMSA, and some light hunting.
Working on learning more about bullet casting and enjoy reloading already. This is the 2nd non-rimfire revolver I owned, the first being a gifted Taurus Judge...and I know why it was gifted, so we don't need to beat that horse <grin>
Still need to pick up dies, but I already have a couple of brand new bags of 357 brass from Starline.
Thanks for having this forum, looking forward to everything I can learn here.
(and yes, the name is due to internal hardware.)


January 24, 2009

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