May 8, 2022

Am new here. My background: Keeping my Agent Orange cancer at bay (Duke Oncologists told me I was going to die during Christmas 2015). When I'm healthier, I enjoy underwater and dry land photography, writing about audio & music (my work has been featured in The Absolute Sound and HiFi+ magazines and in the book McIntosh..."for the love of music..."), helping moderate the FM Tuner Group at http://www.fmtunerinfo.com, gourmet cooking, reading, shooting (I am an expert marksman), quilting, smocking, and needlepoint (last 3 for SWMBO 😍. We live at an elevation of about 3,500' in the Blue Ridge Mountains where the TN/NC/VA borders intersect.
Former CIA/DIA/NSA/MACV-SOG spook. Mostly retired but you never really "retire" from a 3-letter government agency. Favourite small arms are the FN FiveseveN pistol and its matching caliber FN P90 bullpup SMG with SS190 body armour piercing ammo. Please let me know in advance if you plan to visit - I never outgrew the urge to play with firearms and blow shit up!! ⚔️ 💣 🤺 🎖 🏹 🕶
I recently inherited at Dan Wesson 357 Magnum, and I know nothing about this revolver. It came with a six inch barrel and a 12 inch barrel (not part of a kit or pac). There’s a Leoupold scope mounted iron it. The only information on the frame is
on the barrel is DAN WESSON ARMS 357 CTG
Can someone tell me what I have, and approximate value?

October 18, 2017

You have a fairly early DW model 15-2 judging by the serial number. Best guess would be 1976 manufacture. We would have to see detailed photos to have any hope of establishing approximate value. The six inch barrel most likely came with the gun at purchase; the twelve inch barrel could be of a later era as the barrel assemblies have not changed since the introduction of the 15-2 in 1975 to the present day.
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