July 4, 2023

I've stumbled on this site here recently while looking for a scope mount for a 357 super mag.
I've been shooting DW's since the early 1980's, when my dad got his first one. And the family kept growing. I practiced quite often with my dad while he was practicing for combat handgun competitions. He would use the model 15 and I used the 22lr, can't remember the model. He got completely out of guns and shooting in the late 1990's. I ended up with the whole basket.
In the last year I gave my son the super mag and the 22lr. I've still got the other 3, 357mag, 41mag, and 44mag. I jumped over to the dark side of semi's and the DW's just sat idle. Here recently I got back into shooting my wheel guns. I started carrying a airweight Smith so I decided to stick the 6" barrel back on the model 15. I had forgotten what a blast and how accurate that pistol was.
Anyway, I enjoy shooting, reloading, and hunting. Don't get much time for any because of working in a commercial glass shop and running a small engine business.
Looking forward to learning more about DW's.
For His service,

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

Dans Club
February 24, 2013

July 4, 2023

Thanks guys
Easy now on my autos. Just a few Sig's and an Ed Brown 1911. That Brown is definitely the most accurate handgun I've ever shot.
605 I try to work less but I gotta make hay when the sun is shining. LOL
Impressive collection there KurtB !
Have a great blessed evening!
For His service,
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