April 11, 2020

Howdy all,
I've been a regular on other forums (Gun Broker, THR) and since I bought another DW this week I thought I'd join the Dan Wesson Forum for DW-specific advice/knowledge.
I have two 15-2's, both are Monson era guns; a pistol pack with the 2-4-6-8" VH barrels and a second Monson frame I put an EWK 3" VH shroud/barrel on.
My latest is a Monson .22 with the 6" V shroud. We are all currently on Covid-19 lockdown in Ca., so it'll be a while before I can run out to the local range and shoot again.
I'm looking forward to learning more about my DW's, and about DW's in general, from the people on here.
Stay safe.
NRA Life Endowment member; RKBA voter; Rifle, shotgun and handgun instructor; State Certified LE Rangemaster; LE Armorer, etc.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

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